Make it clap!

Now were clappin cuz now from the moment that i heard you say it was like my favorite track and im like ooh replay it!

Sunday, June 8

"If you have to learn to follow before you can lead..."

I got this off that movie drumline, thas like on my fav movies now. I reccommend that movie to watch, it may seem kinda unrealistic, but it teaches skills bout management and respect. I watched it in the theatres, then i rented it again last nite. Another busy weeekend, this whole month has been really busy. Errweekend there's been something going on. Like last weekend 3 grads party going, the last one being the best i think haha. Then the san juan mission trip after that. This weekend had the rec leader training, then tiday pentecost picnic.

Yesterday i woke up early and i had this rec leader training in yorba linda to go to. Its like california parks & recreation conference where all these different cities come together for a annual training. You go to different little seminars on different types of topics. Orginally there was suppose to be 3 of us going, well things come up and in the end it was juss me who went. It was aiight. I wish had people to talk to, or at least knew people. Well i did know someone. This guy i had in my eng 103 class last spring, though i dindt talk to him. ON top of that there werent any real cute girls. booo

The first talk i went to was on teenage programs. I found the talk aiight, the girl was from la palma and is in charge of teenage programming. She juss talked bout how to organize your program, what to do w/teens, how to handle them etc. Stuff i pretty much knew already, i wanted her to tell errone how to start one and how to build it up. This one city had this d0pe idea i guess they meet w/their teens once a week. SO one time they did this whole road rules thing. They took them in vans and did this scavenger hunt. Then they meet up @ teh beach or somethign for prizes and stuff. I thought that was coo, i wish i had a teen program @ my city. I juss work w/the small kids @ the boys and girls club who get on my nerves. haha

Then the second one i went to was on hwo to manage staff. I got bored in that talk, so i went and i played snake. Although errtime i died my phone would vibrate, so teh girl next to me would look. I turned off the vibrate so she wouldnt look @ me anymore. The speaker showed us clips of durmline and examples of good management skills. I didnt realize until then how d0pe of an example that movie is. The talk went over agH! which caused me not to get the good lunch. booo

Lunch time comes and we had this turkey sandwhich in a crossiant. I forgot they dont put mayo in it for you, so you gotta do it manually. I was too lazy, so i ate it dry. Then they had cookies, chips, fruit, and soda. I ate my lunch by myself cuz i had no one to talk to. aww woe was me! So i called reirich then i called robby, then i called hope. After lunch was some motivational speaker that talked bout joy. She was really good, inspriational too! I got a lot out of it. She was the key note speaker and i thought it was going to be hella boring. i was proven wrong.

The last talk was bout building the perfect rec leader. I thought they were talk bout what skills it takes to be a rec leader. Well we got put into groups, then we had this tag person. Then we had to go and get these clip art cut outs and paste it on to our person. Though each cut out had to represent something needed to fit a rec leader. Well there was this one, which was a star. I said it could stand for humility. As a rec leader you cant always be in the spotlight. Thye didnt really agree w/me on that one, boo! then they had this beannie i said it could stand for patience, they dindt agree w/them on that on either. I started to get frustrated.

Went home and i took a long nap, when i woke up i had this dream bout prayer meetnig. Im leading this week and so i had this dream that i forgot one of my stories and prayers. So i told someone i was getting it, then went home to pick it up. Well when i came back the warm up songs were already over and i see Fr. Ray and Jl up in the front. i think they were upset cuz i wasnt back in time. haha When i woke up, i thought oh man i think God's telling me to finish my prayers. I ended up finishing them that nite, before i went out. haha

LAter on i went to mikes to chill there, boss lady helped me put together some last min stuff for the picnic. I love boss lady, she's so awesome cuz she's like my twin! I love boss lady cuz she's soo kind, generous, loving and shows so much compassion towards errone. I remember back in the day during ol skool youf alpha. Well one tues. nite after it was over, i went up to hurr and i asked if it might be possible to burn the (what was known as superband at the time) superband music cd. I thought she was going to say no cuz that was the first time they used it that tues. I thought she was gonna say maybe next week or something. To my suprise she said yes! haha i was all happy. haha my friends( whom i drove home errtues.) we were all lsitening to it on teh way home jammin. haha

And as time progressed, i got to know boss lady more and more. I remember also when she gave her tesitmony @ youf alpha. It was really good, thas when i found out what she was majoring in. I thought to myself what the heck is that. haha Look 2 years later im doing that type of work. Craazy...Another time, when i asked her if she might be able to come to my sre class and teach my kids d0pe stuff. She came w/robby and i always say this that was the first time i met him. Anyway, they came and taught the kids cheers and actions to 'Shine Jesus Shine.' The kids were totally feelin them, that was the spirit movin that nite.

Or last year, when she had that potluck to critique her paper and give her ideas. That was cool cuz we had all this good food and good fun. As time progressed, i became blessed that boss lady became twins! I guess her charasmatic spirit got blown into me. haha She's coo cuz she someone who i really admire and look up to. She picks me up when i fall and keeps me in check when im out of line. So basically she pretty much takes care of me like a big sister does.Ü Praise God for sending me boss lady, one beautiful soul inside and outside too! i am two things...#1 soooooooo excited for the wedding next year in hawaii, #2 soooooooooooooooooo forunate to be part of the wedding party! wooOooO thanks boss lady for errthang youre one d0pe sister =)

So today was pentecost picnic, i woke up @ 7am and i was like agh i wanna sleep in. I got up and cleaned up and rushed over to the park. Man i felt like i was setting up for an event @ work. I took out the 12' tables and brought them to the grass area. Then robby, hope and boss lady came to help set up the tables and chairs. El juego came too and watched the park while we went ot mass. HE made the pentecost picnic poster for me. Robby helped tie balloons for me.

Although, the weather was kinda yucky and errthang didnt turn out exaclty what i had in mind it was coo. Some of the carebear cosusins came out to play w/us today too. They deceieved errone by bringing a box full of popeyes not chicken but only biscuts. There was a lot of good food, lots of chips oh man and brownies! haha Ann;s dip was great! even though she wasl ike 6 hrs late! haha jason #2 came out to play also which was fun. Him and his mind tricks and games he plays. Man its so hard to tell whether hes forreal or sarcastic!

Well im only working two days this week and two days off. My sister and kristina are graudating hs on wed. Its @ the anaheim convention center. Dang, i cant believe shes already graduating hs, shes going to csudh in the fall majoring in biochem i think? who knows, i dont talk to her. i was looking @ her yearbook and it was filled w/text! ahh too much stuff to read. i dont like yearbooks w/too mcuh text, it hurts my eyes. ANyway, so i was looking through it and it was coo cuz they had this insert page for the events that didnt make yearbook.
Cuz you know theres deadlines and errthang. So they had events like prom and intl week etc.

Then on teh back you had all these pages that said, 'reserved for so and so..'haha where your special friends would write the one page hs autobiography. Where theyd take up the whole space writing bout the whole senior year and all the 90210/dawson;s creek drama you two had. The girls always get creative and use markers to make it all pretty. Or remember trading yearbooks? like you would come home w/like 12 in your backpack and youd only finsih like 2 of them. hahat Then youd say i didn't get the chance to finish it, can i take it home again?
Or exchanging them during passing periods in the hall. Or or or! they would glue pics in the yearbooks also to make it even more hardcore oh man!

i have a hard time sitting still, and i dontk now how am i gonna sit through, 2 graduations! agh! To go through the whole speel bout 'this is were going off to the real world's time to become independent now' speech twice! Then go through the long list of names oh whY!? John smith...Susie Pie....Tom Jones....Adam Young...haha you look @ the program and youre like 'oh man theyre only on the J's!!! or when you see a special performance by the class of 2003. After that you 10000 pictures w/errone and their uncle skeeter! haha ahh graudations...

Well thas all i gotta say for today, oh i think hope found her puzzle box!!!! well i hope so or juss had a really good talk w/mrs. horton today. Anyway, keep on praying for one another, keep it gangsta and were out!

Thanks for errone's help & participation today!

"I wanna run through the halls of my high school, i want to scream at the top of my lungs..."im done, im out God bless!


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