Make it clap!

Now were clappin cuz now from the moment that i heard you say it was like my favorite track and im like ooh replay it!

Wednesday, February 4

"Courage is not so much about ?acting brave? but about ?bravely acting? when necessary..."

Wow what a long day it was yesterday, the devil ha was truly pushing me all day. First off almost getting into a car accident the nite before. With this truck slipping from the rain and loosing control of his car. The back end of the truck almost hit me, he eneded up swirving all the way over to the other lane. PRaise God i didnt get hit, and praise God no one was on his other side. THen the next day, i lost $20 coming out of the market. Oh why?! I went to mass juss trying to find peace and comfort w/Jesus. Went to confession and as i got out, thurr was a rosary hanging from inside the pew. No one was sitting thurr so i took it and i figured thas Mama Mary leaving it thurr for me saying she's praying extra hard for me since i was giving a talk. Went to work, usually tues. are movie matinees and were suppose to watch it inside the community center. Well the community cetner was being used for voter training. Agh! So i couldnt use the dvd, so i had to walk over to blockbuster and rent the VHS. UNfortunately they were all out of the VHS! i cant believe they only had 2 copies on VHS of lizzy mcgurrie movie. AGh! so i had to driver over to cypress to rent it again.

Praise God that my talk went well, i only pray that they took at least one thing away from it. Thanks to errone who prayed for me. Thanks banne for coming out and supporting! it was tight i made them hol uyp their rosaries at the end. Juss like in return of the king, whurr the solider held up their swords. So as they held up their rosaries i said that whole speel bout "i see in your eyes blah blah...but not this day! This day we fight!" then we yelled out 'FOr Jesus!' instead of for Frodo. Ha! It seemed they like the sound effects i added to the talk, also. I always learned in speech you gotta start off your talk w/attention grabber. So i started off, 'well ive been preparing for this talk quite a while, and well i was thinking how do i resist evil?' I said this is how i resist evil, i took my polaroid picture and i started to shake it! haha forreal w/the music tooo! haha Sometimes you juss gotta be a foo for God! haha

Then in the groups, we had a nice talk w/the kids. ONe of my students is on friendster and she has a xanga haha so imma add her to the list of links. Then another onf was juss on a roll w/the jokes. He's a good kid, i always make fun of him and he takes it really well. HE told me he has a lot of uncles who are priests. I said thas good thne you can go to confession w/them anytime you want. He goes yeah i know i call them 'tito father.' hahaha oh maan, i love my group, the kids are a trip. I always look forward to tues. cuz the kids in thurr make my day. Thas why i have such a strong passion in working w/the youf. Thurr is juss so much potential inside of them juss waiting to come out. They juss need to know thurr are people thurr who are going to walk w/them. Maan i didnt realize till today how many souls im reponsible for as ive taught SRE for the past wha 8 yurrs now. THas a grip of souls! THough i pray for each and errone of them everyday.

Helped the king family move to hawaiian gardens last nite @ like 11pm. I felt like we were robbing someones house being it was so late @ nite.! haha joking! Theyre new pad is tight, i personally like the colors of the paint. I think if i paint my room, i want to do like a bright orange and real dark blue how they have it. THe colors seem to have like a 'real world' motiff to it. Came home juss exhausted! Studied for my bio quiz for a bit then went to bed. Ahh Mondays and wednesday are always the hardest cuz of the class @ 8am. Praise God that the weekend is almost hurr. Speaking of the weekend...Hey did yall know bout FRIDAY NIGHT?!

YEs thas right, this friday nite at the pad of robby and emelines were getting together to chill, fellowship, and do some bible study. Make sure youre thurr, cuz its gonna be crunk and errone who is errone is gonna be thurr. If you dont come, well then sucks to be you. No really though, i think errone should at least make an effort in coming. It doesnt take a whole lot of your time. I mean if you can watch tv in your own home till like 12am and knowing you got work @ 6am the next day, that means you can at least come and chill for a bit. Forreeals though, not for fakes as gail likes to say. OH and this is a potluck so make sure you bring something great to eat!

WOw thurr is juss way too mayn things going on this month. I cant wait till the next spirit games committee meeting. I love those meetings cuz theyre so fun and whacky. I know Crystal put a lot of effort and has already planned out our next meeting. I hope my class is cancelled tomorrow, thatd be tight! I love cancelled classes! The best feeling is walking up to your class then seeing a sign in sheet on the door! youre like yesssssssssssss! Praise God! haha I watched lizzie mcguire movie yesterday, it was pretty good actually. UNlike most guys i dont think shes 'wow' she's not my type #1 and number 2 she tries to act too old. I like the girl from you got served, she has wha i look pshyically. The short hurr w/the bleach streaks blah blah.

I love my new phone! I found for text messages i can make it like a buddy list. Whurr i can send a specific text messages to a group of people all at one time. WOw thas tight! I got my new vibe magazine yesterday! woO i love vibe magazine, ive been getting also this other one called 'complex' in the mail. I dont knwo why i get, i never even suscribed to it. Oh well, its free and good reading material! Burrbershop 2 comes out this fri. imma go watch that! yay! I kinda want to go watch you got served one more time. I found out on tues. most of the kids loved the game that i came up with after being inspired by the movie you got served! hahaha

Imma go watch burbershop 2 on fri! yay!

"Im gonna put on ya like whas my name whas my name..."im done, im out GOd bless!


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