Make it clap!

Now were clappin cuz now from the moment that i heard you say it was like my favorite track and im like ooh replay it!

Wednesday, January 28

"God doesn't see the ribbons or medals, he sees the scars..."

I love that quote and yes leo, youre right this quote defiently applies to serving. In God's eyes it doesnt matter how many communities or ministries or church activities you were involved in. In His eyes its how you served through those communities, through those events. Whether you served by example and actions or juss words. It was really cool in father's homily on sun. he said gandhi had once said, 'my actions, are my words.' I thought that was so inspiring and i really believe that, Gandhi was a man of actions. Thas why he so many people admire the guy, juss for his actions and his efforts for peace. I think if he was a catholic he probably wouldve been venerated, beaitified, or even saint status by now.

So then what then bout God seeing our scars? I think in my opinion, scars from our battles. In every battle, in every war there comes scars from it. THose are the memories we have from those particulars wars. With our spirituality its the same way, the scars are the temptations we were able to fight off. The ones we were able to over come. The big picture is how much you put up a fight in the end. The souls that you fought hard for, the ones you may never meet or see, but juss knowing you helped save them from the hands of the devil. I cant wait to give my talk for youf alpha next week. This weekend when i get a chance i need to brush it up w/new analogies.

I guess ill be going to the Lambs of Christ Valetine's Dance on Valentines day. The theme is, "my heart belongs to you..." awww thas juss like the song we sing for at prayer meeting. MY hurrt, my hurrt belongs to you, my sooul, my sooul, belongs to you, i could never leave you, yorue all that i need...haha I love that song too! I miss going ot prayer meeting! Oh yeah so anyway this girl jasmine from that community, hooked me up with 'blind date' from their community. IN other words were gonna be going together, i guess. This should be interesting, now that i think bout it though i shouldnt of have obliged right away. Only cuz the drive is killer and especially after a dance on a sat. nite imma be real tired. Ahh well see wha happens, though it beats not really doing anything. I remember last valentines day, burr and i went out for lunch at this philly cheese sandwhich place in fountain valley i think. It was suppose to be one of the best ones, awww i love the burr! haha

YOuf alpha was good, i cant wait for the retreat this weekend. Im juss excited bout the music, being that well actually ahve the real music min. performing the songs. I remember the first youf alpha at the knights of columbus hall. I didnt really know the community back then, but i do remember that i gave boss lady and burr the currds that my 1st communion class made them. I also remember how excited burr was cuz they spelled his name right. haha Its funny how juss certain memories tend to stick out in your mind. Like for example i was going through my organizer and some of the stuff i wrote in it before. Well i write in it errday like what i did and wha happened, basically a mini blog but more details. Anyway, i ran across a dec. 22 entry whurr reirich took the whole community out to eat at Fridays. Or the days when el juego and i had class together at nite. How thurr was that one handicapp lady and she accused jay of trying ot look at her answers and he wasnt even trying to! hahah ohh man the memories!

Well i must get going so i can try and attempt to finish my eng. homework. This way when i come home from yfc tonite, i dont have to worry bout it. Agh! i dont want to be staying up forever tyring to finish it. Reading, analyzing, and critical thinking takes forever! agh! WOw the weekend is almost hurr, its gonna by real fast. AGh! i hate the stupid street construction on lincoln. Im so tempted to go either BP city council or cypress city council and complain. It is sooo inconvienient and causes soo much traffic! Geez! I hate it stupid street construction, i really do! So Sen. Kerry took New Hampshire last nite, i predict he'll end up taking it all. Oh last nite it was funny, one of my SRE kids told from my class that if anyone ever is messing w/me tell them and theyll take curr of it! haha thas so funny, i love my kids!

Prayer meeting was explosive last nite!

"Watch out, my outfit?s ridiculous, In the club lookin? so conspicuous..."im done, im out GOd bless!


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