"The value of life does not depend upon the place we occupy. It depends upon the way we occupy that place..."
Ever since i woke up wed. morning ive felt this sore throart, as well as mild stuffiness. My body's letting me it needs rest. My tounge is pasty white color, it gets like that when i have a cold. I really need to push myself to go to bed earlier during the weeknights. THis way i dont get real sick and i give my body the rest it needs. I think that nap did it for me yesterday, taking that 1 hour nap messed me up. Oh well, Praise GOd for sufferings cuz its through them we become closer to Him. I really love that quote in regards to mass and suffering that St. Pio had said. I love the saints, dont you?! haha THey have the best quotes that have so much meaning to them, its wonderful!
I didnt achieve my goal of going to mass errday, though i did go thrice out of the week, counting that im going ot go today also. NExt week ill try getting to mass errday, cuz i gotta receive my daily bread. To fill my body w/his holy presence. YOu know it never crossed my mind until i read it today, but Mama Mary endured a lot of pain and suffering in her lifetime. I mean to asked to carry the son of God inside her womb w/o exactly being murried. Thas like captial punishment back then! On top of that to walk/sit on donkey for thousands of miles and then to have the birf of our Lord in a manager. Then, later on watch her son get beaten, mocked, scourged you name it, she watched it. To see her son she loved so much die on the cross for the salvation of man. Despite all the pain she went through, she never once complained. Wow!
Skool was aiight, my lit class instructor is letting me turn in the hw on mon. Praise God for that cuz the hw was a little confusing. I really dont like critically analyzing things unless its something that pertains to my interest. THough it was pretty interesting today when we broke down the whole short story. I found out that every word in a short story in literature has a meaning. That each words specifies something and that all those words didnt juss come together for no reason. Critical thinking is a lot of thinking haha, it requires me to be in a perfect calm, quiet area to focus. Cant wait to do my homework, now. Oh joy! Im so retarted i was sort of rushing from home thinking class was @ 11am. Took me a while to find parking, but praise GOd i found it. I was even able to park in those wicked parrell parking spots too and i made it! yay!
Work was coo, went to the market and got all my cooking supplies. The kids had fun making it and i did too. It was that dish my mom made for the spirit games meeting. I had received a lot of positive comments on how good the dish was. Even the city manager walked to my office to compliment me. THat was tight! Since i had to work till 830pm, i thought id be able to concentrate on doing hw. Ha yeah right, thurrs too many distractions going on thurr. Thurrs music playing, kids yelling, tap shoes tapping. SO to sum it all up, work was fine. I was going to go to the happy hour but i figured even if they were still thurr @ 830pm, most of them wouldve gone home within the next 10 min. I juss decided to stay home and chit ctat.
I got a email from crystal regarding next month;s meeting. Wow its gonna be hardcore, shes hookin up her wireless internet lap top to the projector. THis way the notes will be able to be typed for all to see and be able to be sent out right away. ON top of that she's providing all the good and drinks for us. Praise GOd! Then sehs gonna have like greeters to greet us and make sure our visit was hospitable and pleasnt. WE talked on the phone for a bout 45 min. shurring ideas, and talking bout spirit games stuff. After talking ot her, i felt inspired to call errone else on the committee and see how theyre doing. I think as leader you need to check up on your people. So i think over the weekend if i dont see them ill call them juss to check up on them. To me its always nice when someone asks how youre doing.
Then i had a nice long phono covo w/charisse before uprm council meeting. I think a lot of people are starting to feel the devil hit. THough like i told charisse, we arent gonna juss give in. We gotta fight and defend our church or else evil will sleep through it if were not gonna take curr of it. THe devil will hit hard cuz thurrs is juss too much going on. All these things that are coming are bearing the good fruits of good. Man when im sleepy i can figure out my thoughts. AHh i need rest, uprm council went well, praise God. Annd sccccceeennnnnnnnnne!
"WHenever i reach for you, ill do all that i can..."im done, im out God bless!
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