Cmon Over to Myspace...
"In each of our lives, Jesus comes as the bread of life-to be eaten, to be consumed by us. This is how he loves us. Then Jesus comes in our human life as the hungry one, the other, hoping to be fed by the love of our heart, by the service of our hands..."
So ever since Ive signed up and joined the myspace wagon, Im on it like errrday. Checking for new friends, new comments, whatever it maybe. I tell you, I've found soo many different people I had gone to HS with on this thing. It really is amazing, even more than I did on friendster! Its really interesting to see how they've changed or to see if theyre still the same. Almost errone changes after HS, heck I did. Not that I had done extremely bad things in hs nor do I have an interesting testimony to really shurr. ha Anyway, I think this myspace thing is pretty useful.
On top of the whole hs people I've come across, either my own kids from my own confirmation class or alumni! haha thas funny alumni kids who were in my class from previous yurrs. I took a tally( I know, I know) and realized almost half of my kids from my class are on my myspace. Like 11 of the people on my myspace are my confirmation kids, which is kinda funny. THen I learned that I've got bout 7 other kids who were in my class previously or in my youf alpha group or whatever. Then the rest of the people on thurr are either randoms who added me or from catholic communities.
Its coo cuz I juss learned how to put up music videos on my myspace profile. I never knew all this time that thurr was a site people juss went to. I was all passing by peoples profiles think they all knew how to do all that html stuff. Now I can change the diifferent videos each week, I put up the hope song video cuz im feelin that song right now.
I was a little paranoid went I went to mass this afternoon. Today was the first time I had brought my curr to the 1215pm mass since the incident. Then I had to purrk towards the back which made me even more paranoid. I was juss hoping that nothing would happen to it, then I sturrted to think I shouldve gotten more of the high tech alurrm that would signal me if something was happening ot the curr. Then when mass was over I kinda rushed to make sure it was still thurr. ha You gotta understand the feelin thas all...ha
Sitting behind me at mass was an ol friend I had gone to high skool with. She graduated two yurrrs after I did, but we became good friends towards the end of my senior yurr. In fact, she was purrt of the youf alpha season one cast. Anyway, erronce in a while Ill see her at 1215pm mass. SHe goes to UCI and ive been trying to get to go to either liwanag or yfc, but its hurrd cuz her schedule doesnt usually let it happen. Anyway, so after mass I turned around and said hello. I asked how she was doing. SHe told me she was, 'okay' then she asked if wendy was in the sacristy. I told yeah then she went on to tell me how her father past away the other day. I could see she was trying to hold back from crying. I felt soo bad for her family.
She went on to explain how it was real sudden, he got sick and then caught pneumonia. He was in the hospital for a couple of days, then he couldnt hang on anymore. So they were going to talk to wendy bout arranging funeral services. I always wondered why it always her mom and her sister that was going to mass. I went on to tell her that her family and her dad was in my prayers. Then I told the mom the same thing, I could they were trying to hol back the tears. Wow thas gotta be hard, soo I ask that you please pray for my friend and her family. For healing and peace to get through this difficult time. thanks!
Music min. practice was fun, Im excited for HOly Spirit sat. Juss how the kids really get into it and by the end of the retreat they dont wanna leave. I remember the very first holy spirit sat. in the knight of columbus hall. Wow doesnt that juss bring back memories? In fact I even have the pics from that one. My how time sure goes by so fast! I had so much during my first holy spirit sat. I wanted to chill and hang out w/the SH people(that i didnt know at the time)afterwurrds cuz they seemed all cool. Well they are cool.
I was sending one of my kids the chords to the songs were gonna sing on tues. Its so cool how when we sing, we sing live. Like we have our own mini music min. in the class. I remember this one time I was making a reference about one of my kids, I think it was alaine, anyway whoever it was said kids? You dont got kids. I said yeah I do, I have a whole class full of them. Then they were like those arent your kids. Then I said uhh yeah, Im held accountable for thurr souls, thurrfore I call them my kids.
Okay im getting sleepy off to bed I go...i got stupid work tomorrow again on a holiday! oh why?! haha Im hoping that I wont have to spend the whole day thurr. My winter break is now officially over, wow it was one great though!
"And beauty is her name..."im done, im out God bless!
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