Make it clap!

Now were clappin cuz now from the moment that i heard you say it was like my favorite track and im like ooh replay it!

Tuesday, January 4

Desktop Wallpapers

"Woman can fulfill the mission of motherliness, both in marriage, and under the veil as the Spouse of Christ..."

I was on the lifeteen website last nite and I had found these really d0pe desktop wallpapers. I took todays quote from one of the wallpapers. It had a girl w/her hands together praying w/her head bowed while whurring a veil. I used a couple of them as my wallpaper for my two computers. Anyway, if you get the chance go on thurr and check it out, its pretty cool stuff. Also, this is sad, the founder of lifeteen, a priest has been accused of some type of miscondcut. So please pray for him and the whole lifeteen staff.

So I had received this email from biblegeek and it's so cool cuz he's about to get murried this weekend in rome! Thas gotta be such a d0pe experience, I'd love to go thurr and visit too one day. Visit the vatican, all the pics youd have! oh my itd takes days to finish through all them. Going on a gondlier ride woOoO! Eating real italian pasta, ahh yes all the great things you can do in italy! Then at the end of the email he talked bout juss wha one min. can do. So I invite you now, for juss 60 secs. stop wha youre doing and take a 60 secs to pray. PRay for the people in asia, pray for those who are sick, those who have died, your family, friends, your own communities, whatvever personal intentions you want to add.

Juss now that if you felt like you didnt accomplish anything today, you accomplished one thing, and thas you prayed. God is closer to you then wha you may realize right at this moment. Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you James 4:8. Then biblegeek said, that when you pray the two(God and you) of you become one, in a spiritual sense. I tilted my head and I thought oh yeah that is true. Its cool when you learn and find out new things.

Yesterday, I finally got this book that I've been waiting for to come in. Ive checked booksturrs all across socali and none of them had it. So, I had to order it through barnes and nobles. Its this childrens book called, 'the indescribable gift.' Basically, it goes through the whole season of advent in chapters. From the immaculate conception all the way to the ephiany. Its coo cuz its scripturally based. I told banne that I could see a parent sitting down on the side of their children's bed reading this before they go to sleep. I guess this is something I could save...if I ever have kids.

When my curr got jacked, obviously all my cds were gone. Well a lot of them were basically all christian songs. Anyway, some of the cds in thurr whurr my christian songs from fcfc. I had burned them from my friend and I dont got a lot them anymore. One of the ones that I really wanted to hurr was eternally yours. I called him last nite and asked if he had still had them. He said, yeah so I went over thurr and picked up the two he had. So, as I was listening to one of them I fell in love w/one of the songs. Its called, 'faithfully yours.' I liked the song cuz it described our relationship w/God. Anyway, check out the lyrics...

Father, I can't explain this kind of love

This kind of grace

I know I still break Your heart

And yet You run to welcome me

This is my song of praise to You

For who You are and all that You do

From the moment my life began

You have been faithful

Father I love the way you hold me close

And say my name

I know when my life is through

My heart will find its home in You

This is my song of praise to You

For who You are and all that You do

From the moment my life began

You have been faithful

You will be faithful

Forever faithful


This is our song of praise to You

For who You are and all that You do

From before the world began

You have been faithful (repeat twice)

You will be faithful

Forever faithful


SRE sturrts today yay!

"Your grace is sufficient for me, eternally yours..."im done, im out God bless!


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