Make it clap!

Now were clappin cuz now from the moment that i heard you say it was like my favorite track and im like ooh replay it!

Saturday, February 7

"That is the heart of a Christian to keep walking when it is not easy, to speak when it may not be accepted, to act when it is unpopular, and to stand when others run."

Not only is that the heart of true christian, that also is the heart of a true leader. Especially, the last line bout standing when other's run. I think i mentioned this recently bout as Catholic-Christians there are so many teachings people will disagree with. Ha i remember myself when i was growing up, wehn i was a teenager when i said i was catholic, i always added, "Yeah, im catholic, but i don't neccessarly agree with everything the catholic church teaches." Oooh, as i look back on it now, i think to myself, 'oh man, i cant believe i said that!' As a christian we must go the opposite direction of the wind. Dare to be different.

Jesus totally went against the grain in the sand. So many times the pharisses complained and talked smack behind his back. THough it didnt stop Him from continuing His mission. Despite the struggles and attacks that may come our way, our goal is to keep on going. As dory says in finding emo nemo, 'keep on swimming, keep on swimming..." We cannot conform with what society and the world wants us to be, we must conform to what GOd calls us to be. Even if that means preaching with only one person listening. So many lost souls, seek to love, serve, and know more about the Lord. Our duty is to bring those lost souls back into the church and shine God's light inside of them.

Which brings me to the next point, rest. Though you work your heart out into serving God, what good is it if youre not working on yourself first. Today's gospel talks to us bout finding that peace and alone tmie with Him. Sometimes we can get so caught up in our personal lives or in our ministires that we forget to seek Him. Keyword hurr, is first, always putting Him first in our lives. One of the Saints said, "Put Christ first, because He put us first and let nothing deter us from loving Him."

So true, put Christ first cuz He put us first. On Good friday, He was the last thing He thought about. He wasnt worried about His personal sufferings, but only wanted to give us life. His whole teaching ministry thats what He was all about was putting US first. In the very first line of the Chorus in that song, 'We are the reason,' it goes, 'We are the reason that He gave us life, We are the reason that He suffered and died.' Dont know if im going off subject hurr, case and point give yourself time to listen to Him. Rest your soul in His hands and He will guide you.

JoeEmerica: imma roll out like optimus prime
JoeEmerica: bee bo baba bo....roll out
JPFish187: hhahahhahahaha oh my

I can't believe he even typed out the sound effects! Someone must have a little too much time on their hands! haha What a crazy foo...transformers were bomb! haha They should have a fattysaurus transformer thatd be funny. He would be in half robot and half dinosaur form. THen after trying to transform, he'd be like, 'ahh cant transform, uhh too fat...optimus, im too fat i cant transform into robot form!' hahahahha then optimus will say, 'agh no, youre too fat fattysaurus you need to go on project robot sexy.' hahaha

Praise God for a great nite of fun, fellowship, and God's love!

"Cupid's the one to blame - say it..."im done, im out God bless!


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