Make it clap!

Now were clappin cuz now from the moment that i heard you say it was like my favorite track and im like ooh replay it!

Monday, May 3


ALright kids, here is the homework i had assigned last tuesday. Read the article below on 'vocations,' (the topic we had discussed in class last tues.) and leave a message on the message board on answering the following questions:

1. What did you get out of this article?
2. How do you think this affects you?

This assignment is worth +15 point and is due before class tonite! Simple and easy!

"It was not you who chose me, but I who chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit that will remain...." - John 15:16

God calls each one of us. Even though you or I might not RESPOND to the call, the call is still there. Remember, when God calls, even if we don't CLICK OVER, the call is STILL THERE. Never doubt that God is calling you.....the real question is, what's He saying?

God calls each and every one of us to walk in the light of Christ, live in the truth of the gospel, and to be HOLY. Along the way, He calls upon us to use the gifts we've been bestowed, BY HIM, for HIS glory, not for our own. He formed us, and created us, in His image. As we hear today from St. John, Jesus reminds us that regardless of what we His disciples, we didn't just choose Him, HE CHOSE US.

He appoints us to "go and bear fruit that will remain." No, He doesn't want us to go start planting a garden.....thank God.....(I'm terrible at gardening and I live in the desert). He wants us to use the talents that we've been entrusted to PLANT SEEDS, to SPREAD His WORD, and to BUILD His kingdom here on Earth.

How do we do that? By being Holy and humble followers of Jesus Christ. By being good daughters and being good husbands and wives. And, for SOME of answering God's call to religious life or to the Priesthood.
Alright, ya'....I said it. Shocked? Outraged? Scared?

Oh, bible geek, why would you EVER suggest such a thing as the idea that "I" should be a priest or a nun? Well, let me tell you why.....

The priest shortage in the world today is not because God stopped calling people, it's because people have stopped RESPONDING, stopped "really" LISTENING. Not everybody is called to be a priest or nun or brother....but some are....SOME OF YOU READING this right now are being called to be a priest or a nun!

What's the answer? Simple. Not easy.....but SIMPLE. Pray. Pray everyday that God will make His plan for you even more obvious in your life. Next, pray that you and I will have the COURAGE to respond to God's call. If you've ever thought about it....pray about about it.....don't blow it off, and don't be scared!


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