Make it clap!

Now were clappin cuz now from the moment that i heard you say it was like my favorite track and im like ooh replay it!

Monday, May 3

"Never forget that blindly following the impulse of our emotions often means becoming slave to our passions..."

Today was another hot day! I was almost tempted to go swimming yesterday while cleaning the pool. HA pool guy nneeYyooOw!! BUt i changed my mind the pool is still too cold! So anyway, bio girl called me again tonite. Please keep her in your prayers. The last time i talked bout her, she had gotten kicked out of her house. She was temporaily living in her curr. She called me tonite asking to borrow notes(neeeyYYyOoww!). From thur we were talking for almost a good 30 min. SHe ended up going back home and when she did her mom stripped errthang from her room, put in trash bags and put in the trash. Wow thas crazy! She was yelling at her mom demanding her to pick it all up. CAlling her names and wha not.

TO make things worse her bf or i dont even know wha the hell they are. Well she was trying to call him all day then he finally calls her. I forgot how it started but he was cussing her out and saying that cuz of her he;s getting a 'D' in his class. HOw she's worfless and he doesnt love her all this verbal abuse. So she's crying on the phone telling him to stop, yet he still continues. She then tells him, 'you never got me anythign for my birfday.' That creates a whole new arguement. HE tells her he wants a pure filipina, and how thurrs 3 rules that she has to follow.
1. He can only give her permission to talk.
2. HE doesnt curr wha she says
3. That he's always right

Crrrazzzzy huh! As always i told her to stay from the guy and that he has this power control over her. How he craves for that satisfaction to control her. I said you need to get away from that guy and break all connections from him. She said i know, someday ill get the courage to. I said no, not someday start today, unless you like him controlling you like that. You juss gotta be strong and really be determined to do so. She ended up changing the subject. I was informed by some people to go for her. I said no not right now, i dont want to be...R-E-B-O-U-N-D, REBOUND, REBOUND. Well see wha happens later on down the line, who knows if well even talk after the semester is ova. In the mean time im going to juss i guess try to convince her to leave the guy. THen pray for her too cuz she needs lots of it!

So had core group meeting at mcdonalds this morning. Agh mcdonalds on beach is so packed on sundays! I was standing in this one line then i come to find out that it wasnt even a line! agh!! oh why?! Then why was errone else standing in that line then! Anyway breakfast was good, along w/a fruitful meeting. Got a lot of stufff still to do for lss. I really want to get small glossy fliers for lss. Theyre soo much easier to use and we dont have to keep making copies. Besides that regular colored paper doesnt grab the attention of people.

Came home and i took a small nap then went to a small music min. practice. THey had grueling vokal exercises! haha Though we sounded or they sounded good. We added 'redeeming love' to our new line up. In fact that's going to be our closing song on tuesday. Afterwards we went to get boba at the bp mall. Maan boba loca was loca! haha Soo many people thurr! I guess cuz it was so hot that errone wanted to drink somethign cool. I ran into a couple of people i knew thurr. Abe and amanda, amanda was in my youf alpha group. I tell you i see SRE kids errwhurr! haha

Inside boba loca, fred, burr, and i were playing talk show! haha it was so funny. We all took turns playing the hosts and being guests for each others show. I took one of the tables and i pushed it out to make it my desk. Then we made the couch the area for the guests to sit. Oh man it was so hilarious. Im sure the people thurr were wondering wha the hell we were doing. But we did it very quietly, we werent even hella loud whurr wed be bringing attention to ourselves either. Haha good times!

Affterwards, boss lady, burr, fred, and i went to eat at pat & oscars. I havent eaten thurr in like ages! So we were sitting thurr the 4 of us talkng bout blogs. Ha we were discussing all the different trademurrks we've come up with on blog. Fred came up with, fanmail, the different layouts, sponsor of the week, the turget new, and other such creative gizzmos. BUrr went started the website blog, then went back to blog, found the hit counter, came up with scrolling marquee and others. Mike TM found the tag board, learned how to post pics, and some other stuff. Elliot discoverd the 'earmuffs' concept, which is very good to use. Dorthee, established the 'comment box.' Banne created the 'I met Jesus today...'

As you can see a lot of people have come up with different creative ideas to 'enhance' their onlne journal. So we were ssaying almost errone has come up w/some type of enhancement except me. Agh! i dont come up w/new stuff cuz i dont know how to do html stuff neeeyyooow!!! Thurrfore ive come to realize, that i am the founding father of for the community! hahaha Yesss! I got errone in the community hooked on blogger so thas wha ive come up with. Eva since then my blog has grown tremendously receiving hits from all around the world! woo! Now dont mistake me for saying im founding father of, cuz im not. I am the founding father of for the community, thas all im saying. haha

I had this real bad headache all afternoon. You know those types whurr theyre only on one side of your head. Then you cant stand the feeling of it cuz its like agh!! I had one of those but i think its slowly going away. Praise God. Calvin IMed me to tell me he crashed, crashed, crassssssssshed into a ditch! Too bad i cant say juss playin! haha Yeah he crashed his rsx! oh why?! BUt when it gets working again and all fixed up im suppose to be able to drive it! yesss!
Christy and i had a very interesting convo online but various things, yes interesting!

Okay im going to answer some mail hurrr...

Jackie heavensent: AH! IT'S ME! haha, you have a blog and i am in it. how kind of you haha, hope you like the vmail
Durr jackie, thanks for coming by!! and yess i love the vmail, now that i have your links, you will be added to the famous list of links! Wow how cool is that! Come by more often!

jay: he was joking..."my confidence w/ peeps insecurity equals kanyes arrogant" - k. west
Durr jay, agh! it doesnt say he was joking! I have the article too...

jay: u jus read the article wrong. i suscribe 2 vibe (something im not proud of) & i read it...
Durr jay, No, you read it wrong. if you read the first purrt of the articles he's arguing w/the vibe staff cuz they gave his album a '4.' Then on top of that he was arguging w/them cuz he wanted to be on the cover. "BUt west wants the cover or nothing at all." Whas that tell you?!

toni: HEY! i know ruel! he worked at the bookstore! awooo hoo hoo
Durr Toni, yeah i heard, he's a pretty fun guy.

toni: i think you left your bible diary at interfaith a few weeks ago
Durr TOni, actually i found it today! yay!!! it was in jeramee's curr all ths time! Praise God!

Fred: errone has to wait until May 10 to be eligible again
Durr Fred, agh!! may 10?! agh thas too long!! if it goes any longer, i will ahve to boycott your blog haha Then ill ahve to ask others to do the same, 'please join me in this crusuade to boycott! hahahahah

Fred: agh, Robby has all next week to be Sponsor of the Week
Durr Fred, oh whY?! It should only go till thurs.

banne: n thnx for ur blender!
Agh youre welcome! anytime! ? thanks for the invite!

banne: hi hijo! hey make ur pics a little smaller to fix alignment
Agh i dont know how! im html illiterate! oih why?!

dee: hey! i thought you were gonna put my blog up!! hehe, jk!!! take care! =)
Durr dee, its all done, you have now been added to the great list of links! Thanks for coming by! come back and visit!

Arisa: haha i noticed that you never say bye on the phone, also! i was always thinking ,"gosh, did i say something wrong?"
Durr arisa, agh sorry, no you didnt do anything wrong haha agh i guess i juss dont say 'bye' on the phone. haha

Jackie is the new vmail vokalist of the month!haha

"We buy a lot of clothes when we don really need 'em/things buy to cover up what's inside..."im done, im out GOd bless!


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