Make it clap!

Now were clappin cuz now from the moment that i heard you say it was like my favorite track and im like ooh replay it!

Wednesday, June 30

"Nothing can bring back the hour of the splendor in the grass, of the glory of the flower..."

Its coming sooner then i know it. Wow o Wow! Hurrs the flier im feelin it more than the ol skool one. I really want to praise God for cyril and all the hurd work she does for SpiriT games. I really juss love how much effort and time she puts in. She does it so humbly too which is even better. She's always thurr whenever i need hurr, always willing to give her all. I love people like that!

Tell me something, so i was calling the fake ex gf today and oh why does she have to copy me? Wha am i talking bout?! When i called her i got a vmail and it was some girl(who had a real nice voice)singing on it. I thought oh no she didnt juss copy me w/the whole vmail idea. So hurr it is fake ex gf, even though were not together, and ive moved on you need to stop copying me! Haha i know im so putting you on blast on the blog, but really...stop lying to yourself! hahahahaha

Anyway, i wasnt able to sleep in fully again today. I came in to work totally forgetting thurr was a special event. ITs been pretty hectic the past couple days. When one dept. is gone geez, it really makes a difference. Juss like the being purt of the body of CHrist. IF one purt suffers then the whole body suffers w/it. When one purrt rejoices the rest of the body purrts rejoice.

I got into work and i was checking all my mail and i thought its gonna beon busy week! My boss said were working you hard this week then were giving you 2 weeks vacation. Implying bout my trip to hawaii thas coming up, which is a whole other sturry. Praise God cuz my coworker worked my evening shift for me. Actually we traded so imma gonna work for him thurs. nite. So thurs. is gonna be a forever long day at work. The evening shifts are pretty chill though, so its cool.

Jesty came by today to help out w/the commodities, this was the first time we got to interact today. Well actually it was only for a brief moment, i juss showed him wha to do and he picked it up. He told me he did the mobile rec too yesterday, which is totally d0pe. Im sure hes gonna miss the place when he goes away to skool. On sun. before mass he was tellnig me how much he enjoyed working for the city and how cool the kids are. Thas cool im glad he enjoys the job.

So hawaii is a week away and im soo not ready to go yet. Im excited but im skurred ive got nothing packed or prepared. Imma try to go to sleep real early on wed. nite. Then shower wake up and leave for the aurrport real early thurs. morning. Gosh i cant believe how quickyl the time goes. I should sturrt making a list of wha i need to pack. I awlays end up forgetting something oh why?!

Prayer meeting was jam packed, kinda wha it was back in 02. IT was good to see a lot of faces from the LSS thurr. TOnite was pretty balanced half elders and half youf. It was even ol skool set up too w/the churrs in the front. I miss the ol skool way of prayer meeting. Banne told me 'redeeming love' has become the 'who builds the faith' of 02. I rememeber errone loved 'who builds the faith.' Now errone loves 'redeeming love' the actions are a lot less strenous too. We did lualey for warm up and i love that song! I could tell errone was getting a kick out of it.

Then we went to mcdonalds and chilled thurr. Even the newbies came so thas cool. Why even johan from HOJ was able to stop by and pay visit. He even came ot the mcdonalds also. The tribe called king was missing i was expecting them to be thurr, but i dont know wha happened. I tried calling the pops but he didnt answer it. AgH!!

Speaking of that family i have a couple of funny sturries to shurr bout the fam bam tribe. So on sun. after lss was over pops and moms whurr already in the curr. I was running up to them and as i got to the curr pops locked the durrs, so i couldnt open it. BUt...wha he forgot was to take the keys out from the door! haha the foo left the keys inside the door! haha so all i had to do was twist and unlock i was in! hahahahahah oh man i busting up sooo hurrd cuz he was like howd you get in?! hahahahah

Then elijiah tonite was trying to tell jaymee something and he went up to hurr and said 'tita jaymee!' hahaha that was funny, jaymee was like 'whas my name?!' hahah Elijiah said again, 'tita jaymee!' hahahah Finally the third time he asked her he said 'mommy.' haha That kid cracks me up, he's soooo funny. I love the SH babies!

IM im going to end hurr! oH wait one moe thing, PRaise God for calvin who told me hes sturtting the habit of going to daily mass! I think thas the best thing i heard that! Praise God!

8 more days till hawaii!

"When I spit everybody gotta split like pepper spray..."im done, im out God bless!


  • At 1:07 PM, Blogger dorothy said…

    heheh, elijah's so cute. jme's such a good mommy!


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