Make it clap!

Now were clappin cuz now from the moment that i heard you say it was like my favorite track and im like ooh replay it!

Saturday, May 21

Communion of Saints

"Death is a natural part of life. Rejoice for those around you who transform into the Force. Mourn them, do not. Miss them, do not. Attachment leads to jealousy. The shadow of greed, that is..."

ITS DONE: This whole ordeal with the tumor is done and over with now. Whew! Praise God that it's out and I juss hope it doesnt come back again. On monday, the doctor said there was a 5-10% chance that this thing could come back. Oh why?! Having this whole thing was such a hassle, going in and out of doctor's offices. Sheesh! Though I'm juss glad that this whole thing is over with now and I can move on. Since 12am, I had to fast not eating or drinking anything. Oh whY?! Praise God though I wasnt in any type of hunger pain throughout the day.

THE PROCEDURE: I had to be there by 130pm, but we got there like 15 min. early. Filled out the necessary paper work, signed the necessary forms, and then the next thing I know they called my name. My puso was kinda beating fast cuz I was nervous going in. They had me chill in the recovery room to prep me up. Poked in the IVs that I needed, the nurses were reallly nice. Which made errthang a lot more easier on me. I hate when you go to the doctors and you get rude staff that have no patience w/you. Anyway, the anthesiolgist comes in, who was also real nice and cool. Asked me questions bout wha I was allergic to etc. He pokes into the IV the stuff, they roll me into the OR. Moved me onto the bed and whooaaaaaaa nelly, next thing I know it was over! I was like wow!

FEAR: My biggest fear through all of this was, 'wha if the doctor's wrong?' I was worried that wha wouldve happened it ended up becoming cancer. I was skurred that they would open me up and find all these cancer cells and end up having to close it up. With errthang thas happened to me this past month, I got even more worried bout that. As the hours past till it was time to today, the more I was getting anxious. THe more the fear started to kick in and the doubts. Then when I got in the OR I started to think wha wouldve happened if I ended up dying in the middle of surgery. If I didnt make it through for some reason. Maan surgery can be a skury thing.

PRAYERS: PRaise God for the communion of saints here on earth. I really do appreciate all the prayers. I remember 4 years ago, going into this I didnt really have anyone besides my family to pray for this. Its great to know that whenever I need a prayer request, I can depend on people to do it. I know that whatever intention I have, they'll pray for me. Honestly, I couldnt ask for a great group of friends than I have now. Its d0pe to know you ahve people you can count on to be there for you. Even if you dont talk all the time or see each other, you know you can still depend on them to be there for you.

HUNGRY: Ever since I came out of surgery, Ive been eating like no other. Bought mc donalds, then I was still hungry. Ate some leftovers my mom cooked, then I had some chips. Later on I was eating popcorn, it was like I hadnt eat anything in forever. I dont know why I felt so hungry, I need to start limiting and watching what I eat. Once I am all healed up, Immma try and loose all the fatty fat I have. Especially in my cheeks and legs, I dont want to have thick thighs. I want ot have nice calves also. Ha I want to look presentable for the summer ha!

I want to go and watch episode III again. All of a sudden today, I got really into it while talking w/mike. There are some inconsistencies between the prequels and the sequels, I wonder if they ever noticed that. ANyway, mike and I were talking bout some christian themes you could see and take from the movie. That one part when the challencelor was trying to lure anakin to the dark side, by telling him bout the dark side of the force. Anakin told him how the jedis use their power for good. Yet Palpatine replied back that the Sith and the Jedi are similar in almost every way, including their quest for greater power. Anakin told him, they think only of themselves while the jedis are selfless and use their powers to serve others.

SELFLESS: Which goes into my next thought, how thas the way God created us to be. He created us to be selfless, to use our gifts and talents to serve others. Fr. Moses was talking bout this bout how we dont have to have extraordinary talents or gifts to serve others. He gave the example of his neice, whos real young. His neice is neighbor is handicapp or something like that, so to help the neighbor out, his neice goes and brings the neighbors mail each day. And that is her gift, it's nothing big but its the thought of what she's doing that makes it so special. Jesus calls us each and everyday to serve Him, through our own brothers and sisters. A lot of blessed teresa's writings stress that importance.

ANOTHER ONE: As I was watching return of the jedi, throughout the time luke found out bout his father being darth vader, he never gave up on him. He never gave up the thought that there was still some good left in him. That the dark side hasnt completely taken him over. Luke was right cuz while darth vader couldve watched the sidious kill luke, he didnt. The message is clear, were all called to see the good in people. To see people through the eyes of God. Even though they may be the meaniest and ugliest people, were still called to see them as a child of God. To give them the benefit of the doubt.

DIAL UP: Since 5pm yesterday my dsl was being fixed. I think the whole network in the area was being repaired or updated. Temporarly, I had to go back to the ol skool dial up. Oh man, how I missed my dsl. It took forever for the pages to load and I kept getting cut off. Face dsl is a lot better than dial up anyday. The only thing, Im not too satisfied w/this sbc yahoo dsl. I get cut off a lot more than I did when I had dial up. I think imma look into another provider. I saw adelphia with a deal $27 a month for the first six months. After that it goes back to like $45 a month. Wow thas a grip to pay on internet. Well see...

Total volume of music files on my computer(s)
well juss a grip ha i dont know the exact numbers but its a lot ill tell you that

Last CD I bought
The emancipation of mimi its pretty good for the most part.

Song playing right now
We belong together remixxx she's always has jadakiss and dj clue produce her remix tracks

Five songs I listen to a lot, or really like
Hooked on a feelin thas why is playing right now
happy together-ktown
at last-etta james
Drive myself crazy-nsync
Spend my life with you-eric benet

Pass the Baton to Five people...
Burr-hi friend! agh since youre soo obsessed with music, why dont you add this little survey to your blog.
boss lady-agh time to do survery friend add this to your blog too yay!
banne-hi friend, i know you know a lot of good songs, shurr w/us your collection
fred-agh i already know wha songs you like so yo udont have to shurr ahha jk agh do this too w/the rest of us
gp-your the last person i thought of ha i needed five, now you have something to blog bout.

I love star wars episode III!

"On the count of three, everybody run back to their fantasy..."im done, im out God bless!


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