Make it clap!

Now were clappin cuz now from the moment that i heard you say it was like my favorite track and im like ooh replay it!

Thursday, June 1

It's Been A Long One

"The imitation of Mary includes the imintation of Christ because Mary is the first christian to follow Christ...Indeed, that is why the imitation of Mary is not only relevant to women but to all Christians..."

Its days like today where I wish I had my pool running, so I can hold my ipod in one hand, and then sip on my whatever drink in the other. Ha ahh yes them summer days are coming up real soon. Our pool was never heated so it would be around this time where I'd literally 'test the waters' to see if it was warm enough to go in. What would end up happening is I'd jump right in and jump right out. Now my pool has become a skateboard park ha well not really but I think it'd work out that way.

JOB INTERVIEWS: Going to job interviews can always be nerve wrecking, especially when you dont know wha the other people are really thinking bout. Then afterwards the whole 'I should've said this and that' speel. Well this time I get to be on the another side of the table and interview people. Were hiring some blood in at the rectory and so I get to help decide and pick who I want. I've never sat in on a job interview so it should be a quite interesting. Hopefully they're going to be cool enough and easy going enough. Yeaaah cuz you juss need that kind of attitude working at the rectory...oh yeah and an agressive one too if I might add.

TAKE THE LEAD: Finally after 3 month of trying to watch that movie again, I was able to see it again! ha Praise God for $1 movie theatres that offer good movies to watch still! Got off work early and picked up elizabeth to go watch it. Its kinda funny cuz ever since I've known her, her and I have never really chilled before. It would always be in group sessions, so today was cool. The movie theatre wasnt exactly packed, but had a small amount of people there. The lights went on and I saw all these old ladies ha. Even though elizabeth didnt think the movie was all that, I still liked it. I juss like all teh dancing and music of it all. Ive been wanting to learn salsa for a while now. I had seen 24 hr fitness has a class I think, but now that I come to think of it, maybe I can ask my old spansih teacher to teach me ha. Salsa dancing is hot cuz it has all those hardcore moves. Im over all the geting buck, crunk, and all that jazz, I juss wanna salsa and maybe some ballroom and fox trot ha

SUICIDE SKIT: No matter how many times I've done the skit, I still cant seem to get all the cues memorized. For some reason Im always having to refer to the script. Were redoing the suicide skit for the youf rally this year, however adding an extra twist to it. The goal is to learn it by the end of next week so that way it's already done and out of the way. Ive been in the process of teaching it and it's going well for the most part. By the end of next week we should have it all set to go. One thing is fo sho, it doesnt matter how many times you've done it or seen it, it always brings back those same feelings.

HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL: I must say as cory as that movie, it kinda gains on you. Im really almost tempted to buy the dvd. On the website it has the coreography for some of the dances. I was dancing al ong w/the video myself last nite n my room. The songs are pretty catchy and they look so fun doing all the stuff. So it makes you want to juss bust out and sing/dance to the msuic. Yeaah you should watch it yourself like I said it'll make yo uwant to get up off your seat and dance w/the music. Even my first graders know the lyrics to the songs. One of the kids goes to me, 'Mr. Jason I like the get your head in the game.' haha

ATTITUDE: Someone's attitude says a lot, you come in and people can already sometimes read whas wrong w/you. One thing that's interesting is taht sometimes no matter how much you think you left hs drama behind it always manages to still be there. You know the whole thing when people pout and are upset for no real apparent reason. Yeah, I'm sure we've all been there and done that before. ANyway the point is taht stuff get tiring real fast and easy. The expression is true, 'attitude is everything.'

BUSY WEEKEND: This month is going to be freakin crazy, especially this weekend. Im going to be constantly on the go w/one place after the other. Good thing thursday nite SRE is finally over and I dont have to worry about that anymore. Friday nite is work and work, then gotta go home get ready fo jackie's debut. Im glad its not that far juss around the corner from me. I need to find myself some white suspenders though. Hmm looks like it's time for another shopping trip! ha Oh I need to get my shirt and pants dry cleaned also for this weekend also maan! Saturday is jacob's baptism, followed by the 75th anniversary gala dinner. Praise God that he made sundays a day of rest...The fun never ends forrrrrrrrrrrreal!

BIFDAY SHOUT OUTS: BIrfday shout out going to jackie, my rectory coworker. I dont really know what to say bout jackie ha well oh well at any rate, she's having a debut on friday and may she continue to be blessed in all that she does. Man I remember wha it was like turning 18. I cant believe imma be 24 in a month. Next is birfday shout out going to my brotha rob. This guy has down a lot for me this past year, well not that he hasn't done a lot in the past ha. I can always count on this guy to help me out. Granted we haven't hung out as much as before, but we still keep our daily online convos and thas wha counts! haha Anyway my friends happy birfday to you this is your day!! In the words of NKOTB, 'age is juss a number so dont you stop having fun...'

"Whatever will be..."im done, im out God bless!


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