Make it clap!

Now were clappin cuz now from the moment that i heard you say it was like my favorite track and im like ooh replay it!

Friday, July 14

God Never Abandons Us

"I promise salvation to those who embrace devotion to the my immaculate heart. Their souls will be loved by God as flowers placed by me to adorn his throne. These souls will suffer a great deal but I will never leave them. My immaculate heart will be their refuge, the way that will lead them to God..."

JUST PERFECT: It was as if the priest knew about wha had juss happened in my life 2 hrs. earlier right before mass. His words were juss what needed to hear to continue on w/my day. He said God never abandons us and sometimes we sense that he's not there, though what really sense is our own doubt. Our task is to face each day with its joys, sorrows, peace, and work, making an act of faith that the divine will and providence is with us. This is what really made me think, 'the deeper faith, hope, and charity lie in our hearts, the stronger we are able to stand whatever God gives us." Like I said, it was as if the priest knew my whole situation of what had juss happened. No, but that wasn't the priest, that was God. That was God telling me that everything was going to be alright, to hang on and juss trust. Man this has felt like the longest day of my life.

FAMILY: Your family can be the greatest gift God can give you, if you choose to use the gift. Despite the hardships and difficilities, your family is always going to be there. I know there's a specific reason as to why this past has been so hard. The dificult part is trying to figure out what that reason. Things can come and go, but its true things really do start and end with family. Hopefully, this will allow my family to come together even closer than we were before. It's going to be hard and probably weird, but it's what he would've wanted. Like the expression goes, you dont really know what you got until it's gone.

KNOW SOMEONE: We go to funerals cuz we either know the person who past away, or we've come to show support and respect to the family of the loved one. When you're there, all these things run in your mind, not anticipating yourself to be in a similar situation. Unless you really knew the person, you can only come up in your head wha kind of person he/she is depending upon if you knew person or not. Though for my lolo I think it's different cuz errone knew who he was, errone saw the kind strong person he was. Its as if they all knew him personally and I believe that they did. Anyone who saw him/talked to him knew what kind of person he was. A man of faith and commitment. I always knew there was something special about my grandparents but even more so now I see how special their marriage was. For them it wasnt bout how much money, whether they were able to get nice cars or a bigger house, for them it was all bout faith, hope, and charity. If it wasn't for their strong faith and love for God, and for each other I dont think they would've got to where they are today. Of couse its going to hurt and there's going to be a missing void, but we know heaven threw a huge party and there were a lot reunions taken place. Still cant believe its done, forever missed and loved. I love you grandpa.

Please pray for the healing and comfort of my family.

"Come and follow me, I will bring you home I love you and you are mine..."im done, im out God bless!


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