Make it clap!

Now were clappin cuz now from the moment that i heard you say it was like my favorite track and im like ooh replay it!

Monday, July 3

I'd Still Say Yes

"Sometimes when I find myself spiritually in dryness so great that I cannot produce a single good thought, I recite very slowly at an Our Father or a Hail Mary. These prayer alone console me. They nourish my soul..."

So after a week and a half of having stupid sinus problems and trying to get over a cold, it's gone! If there's one thing that kills me, its when my sinsues act up. The constant blwoing my nose, the runny nose, the stuffyness ahh all of it. Even when Im sick I still find it hard to juss slow down and rest. I juss feel there's too much going on to juss stop and do nothing. ha Yeah, well anyway, its juss good to know I'm feeling better. My trash is juss full of tissue paper...ha

BIRFDAY SHOUT OUTS: July is juss packed w/birfday celebrations, I dont even know if there's a month when it even starts to slow down. ANyway, the first one going out to cherry, within the short time I've known her, I've really gotten to know her. She has a heart of gold, who goes out of her way to help out the people she loves. A very generous soul, who you can surely see the face of Christ through her bright smile. Second goes to abe, who's birfday is actually today! I've known this kid back ot the days of his sophmore year in hs going through youf alpha. Now he's already gradauted hs and is on to college. Its funny how the place people end up and where you find them again. This guy is d0pe, talented is so many different ways, has a way of inspiring others as well through his hyperactiveness. Then there's mr. manalo, one of the other kids who I've juss recently gotten to know. This guy cracks me up w/his weird sense of humor, but yet unique personality. Talented in the arts of all areas, you'll be inspired to see osme of different things he can do. Then lastly, going out to my birfday twin, kat! Even though we only communicate through tag board, she's got the sweetest personality, no wonder she's been blessed in so many ways. Its awesome to share a birfday w/such a great person!

BACK TO LIFE: Being summer is here, Ive decided to make usage again of my 24 hr. sport memebership. During the skool year it was so complicated to go, yet I didnt want to end up cancelling it and wanting it later on. Anyway, this week I've pushed myself to go back and try to get in shape. The hard part is getting over there and the other hard part is learning to eat right. Yeah, staying away from all the fatty foods can be a real challenge. The past couple of days, Ive been brining my ipod and it helps when I do my warm ups on the treadmill. I was listening to that hero song tonite and it was tight, I was getting pumped up ha. Yeah so it feels good to get back into shape again. Working out helps get your mind off of things. I need to get myself some goggles those, the chlorine in the water is killer on my eyes.

REUNITED: LAst nite while working out I ran into francis and joey, some of hte guys I use to chill with before getting involved w/the whole church thing. Its been a while since I've seen them, sometimes keeping in touch can be so hard. Ive felt kinda bad for not making an effort to call them up and stuff. Anyway, so we all went out to bjs last nite, and its cool it was as if nothing's changed. They're great friends, when I first met them, they kinda took me in and befriended me as if I was one of their hs friends. Like i said its nice to know that even though you become distant w/people that when you see them again its as if nothing's ever changed. I miss hanging out w/the ol skool crew, we had some good times and adventures together.

DINNER WITH HEIF: There's this lobster ravioli at mac grill that's really good. I had dinner w/heif the other nite at hte mac grill. We made a promise to each other that this new fiscal year were going to be more responsible w/$ ha. For some reason I have this feeling taht she's going to be engaged within this next year. She deserves it, her and her bf have been together for over 3 years now. Her bf is a cool guy, juss real reserved and quiet. One of those type where you really ahve to get to know him. Anyway, spending time w/your best friend always is the best.

EBAY: Man lately, I've been so obsessed with the whole ebay thing. I dont know wha got me all into it. Before I wasn't all into it, I'd browse for things but never really buy anything. Within this past couple of weeks, I've bought 3 pairs of dunks and 1 triple 5 soul handbag. The handbag is pretty cool, and I juss won the other 2 pairs of dunks on sat. with one more pending. Yeah that too, I've been into this whole dunks phase too, when I wasn't even really into it before. I think its juss that I've been finding these good deals that I can't let them pass. There was a pair I bought for freakin $10!! WEll w/the shipping in all it cost me $45 but to me thaS still a good deal I cant slide. The more original ones, are more expensive but maybe Ill be able to find some good deals on those as well. Im trying not to go on the site so I dont have to spend anymore money.

WORK: Work is good, its juss I get tired of working w/mrs. doubtfire. I was sharing w/joyce how she can be and I think she's starting to get the feel of what I mean first hand. The thing that sucks is that she has to work up in the front w/her. So I do my best to keep the talking to the minimal and try not to talk to her. Her and her freakin 2 hr lunch breaks, I hate to the kj, but thas not fair. I've mentioned already once, so it looks Im have to raise some hell again. You know its like when you go to work and see your bosses' car and your reaction is, 'dang he/she is here.' Exactly how I feel about the old mrs. doubtfire, and she aint even my boss! Before I got to know her, I always thought she was this nice old sweet lady, yeah right!! I wish she'd juss retire! haha

This month is going to fly by!

"let's hear it for the boy..."im done, im out God bless!


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