Make it clap!

Now were clappin cuz now from the moment that i heard you say it was like my favorite track and im like ooh replay it!

Wednesday, July 28

All 50 baby!!!


"Entrust yourself entirely to God. He is the father and a most loving Father at that, who would rather let heaven and earth collapse than abandon anyone who trusted in Him..."

All Gold?! wha am i talking bout?! Praise God Youf for Christ is now established in ALL yes, ALL 50 states. Can you believe that?! Thas freakin crazy, to be honest i had my doubts at the very first g4g rally. I thought thas impossible to get a yfc in all 50 states! Though, with much prayer, fasting, and service He answered our prayers.  Which is even more exciting is that this happened right before their annual conference. Im even more crunked now to go to the conference. Praise God for YFC and thurr continuous service to God. Praise God for the commitment of the youf to persevere to bring all glory to God. God is amazing, God is awesome, God is wow. Praise Him in all things! Now i can go to any state in cali and attend a YFC meeting. Crrazzzzy!

In other news, so i was a little upset that i wasnt going to get to go to the furr for work. When i got into work i found out my boss was going w/them, so i thought ha thas even better! To have him out of my hair for 6 hours, hey thas all good w/me! So work was chill, actually ive been feeling lazy in regards to doing activities w/the kids. Ha we havent even really done any arts projects this past week either. Oh well the kids are still keeping busy. As chill it was, it was still a little hectic. We had the monthly commodties to do, agh! I had the kids help take curr of it so it goes by a lot faster. Jesty also came by to help out.

Which goes to my next topic, I had met Jesus today in Jesty. He came by to help do the commodities, which i hate to do. Anyway, i was in and out cuz i had to take curr of other thing. When i came back towards the end of the day, i saw how much fun the kids had working w/him. Juss the interaction he had w/the kids and the interaction they had w/him made me smile. This guy is totally great w/them and makes boring work fun. Commodities isnt the most exciting job, to bag cans all day long. Your feet get turrd, you get bored, and its juss straight out a retarted job. So one of the kids was like, 'well never get this finished.' Jesty chuckled, smiled and told him 'juss have faith.'  On top of all that him and i had a great convo. while working. He's a really great person to work with, and juss all around friendly. His smile helps lighten up the work load. Praise God for jesty, my co worker! ha 

Happy 5 yurr Anniversary Pops & Moms!

 Praise God for the sacrament of matrimony. For those couples who make a commitment to serve God in thurr marriage. Exactly wha pops and moms have done. Established a boootiful family, w/3 boootiful children. They gave me a really d0pe birfday gift thas why im doing this blog dedication! haha jk Also this way i can...haha well nm haha anyway, i love their dedication to each other and to bringing up their family the way GOd wants them to. Praise God fo great parents and thurr great faith! Congrats!!!

Prayer meeting was wonderful! I led last nite and juss the prayer boss lady, banne, and jaymee said really helped. I think i was currying a lot of stuff last nite coming into prayer meeting. I wasnt angry or sad, but i feeling a little overwhelmed. Trying to take care as many things for spirit games and prayer meeting before i went. The burr gave me the evil eye cuz i had discerned two holy spirit songs instead of one. So while i led, i really felt relaxed, i felt the spirit totally take over and take control.

Banne brought a friend to prayer meeting to last nite. DOing my best to be hospitable, i chopped chopped a convo w/the guy. He was pretty cool, he told me that he does a lot of spiritual stuff on his own. Like pray the rosary, go to mass, mediation etc. etc. So prayer meeting was a whole new experience for him, but he enjoyed it. I juss told him its nice to have a community thurr for you cuz sometimes you cant do it all on your own. I think we did our job being Christ to him last nite cuz before he left he thanked all of us for our warm welcome.

Banne also did this really great talk on growing in faith. A talk which i think well become eventually a series cuz thurr was juss so much to shurr. I loooove hurring talks from banne cuz she doesnt make me sleepy. haha Some speakers i cant stand to listen to cuz they can be soo monotnous. Anyway, she shurred a lot bout going through them desserts. How its not always 'I want to praise you Lord.' But the times whurr i cant seem to 'pray at all, so i need your help.' Then she talked a lot bout doubting God, and how its a sin to doubt God. Then giving examples of some of the prophets of the ol testament. How they doubted wha God was going to do for them. I wish thurr was more time to hurr the rest of her talk, but maybe she'll shurr the rest w/me in a convo. haha

So praise God for a fun filled day, full prayer, God's love, and exciting news!

11 moe days till spirit games! 

"I'm locked up, they wont let me out..."im done, im out God bless!


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