Make it clap!

Now were clappin cuz now from the moment that i heard you say it was like my favorite track and im like ooh replay it!

Sunday, January 23

Skurred To Deaf!

"He who does a pure and whole work for God merits a whole kingdom..."

I forgot to blog bout this the other day, I dont think my puso has ever beaten so fast as it did the other day. Well I was in bed and then I hear this grumbling noise. My dog comes running into my room on top of my bed. I think she was skurred to, she jumps down and leaves. I didnt think much of it, so I tried to go to back to sleep. THen she comes back and I hurr the grumbling noise again. At first I thought it was an earfquake, so I layed thurr for a sec. listening to it, and saw nothing shaking. I get out of bed and walk to hte living room and I hurr the noise again.

At that moment I realized it was the door going into the backyurrd. Someone was pulling on it! They managed to open the screen door and now trying to open the door. I was so skurred cuz my first thought was, 'someones trying ot break into the house.' WHoever was outside was really pulling on the door trying to force it open. I was running back and forth, mind racing figuring out wha to do. Stupid me, I go and try to peek out the window to see wha/who it was. Then I realized I should duck down, before they saw me. I sturrted to run back and forth thinking I should call 911. I looked out the window again and I saw my dad trying to get inside the house. whew! sigh of relief knowinig it was only my dad cuz he dindt have the keys to get inside. I dont know if you can imagine how skurred I was at that moment oh man...

Fri. was pretty chill, slept in till 11am, normally I dont like to sleep in that late since skool is back in session well imma need the rest I can get! I pretty much kicked back in the house for the rest of the afternoon till bout 2pm. When to work and worked on my new site, tried to get a head sturrt on some of the things I need to do. Worked till bout almost 5, it was pretty creepy thurrr alone. I was getting kinda paranoid someone might walk in and do something to me or something.

Afterwurrds went to pick up alaine and we went ot the cerritos mall. Ive been really tempted to buy a printer for my room. They had some at sears for only $100, it includes scanner/copier also. I almost going to buy it, but changed my mind. For some reason alaine has a thing bout going into surrs. I dont know why, but she swear like it had some kinda disease in thurr or something. She had the hurrdest time juss walking into the sturr. Ha I said sorry high class, i guess surrs isnt good enough for your little 'juicy couture' self. ha Afterrwurds went to d & b at the block to chill w/the sfc peeps for a bit.

Sat. morning, went to mass then went w/errone else for the anniversary of roe vs. wade. I saw one of my kids mom thurr. SHe was like hello mr. fish! haha it was funny. So we went to orange and went to the abortion clinic. Well even though it was closed or they dont do abortions on sat. they still do consultations. We began our work as we prayed decade by decade, mystery by mystery of the rosary. As we sturrted w/a small group, slowly it became lurrger and lurrger. Some people honked at us, while others yelled out, 'let people choose!'

Afterwurd we all were hungry so burr, boss lady, aela, peebs, achie, myself, and aela went to eat at the block. We went to alcatraz, the server was really coo guy. Well he took curr of us real well cuz we were the only ones thurr for a while. After eating, walked around the block for a while to check out somme of the sturrs. Came home and sturrted to watch my dvds that I bought from new york. I realized that this new york shirt I bought well, its a freakin boys large!!! No wonder it felt really small and tight when I was whurring it. Agh!! Im so mad!

Ended up going out w/alaine again, this time to long beach towne center. We were trying to attempt to watch coach currter, but no luck! Agh! it was sold out till the next showing, which was too late. I guess go fig in long beach itd be sold out. Ran into jackie thurr, she was w/her bf, mom, and some friends. I never seen her mom before, so it was interesting. Since no coach currter, we went to eat at in n out. That ended the escapades for that nite...ha

Sunday, went to mass and some of my kids whurr thurr. I think I wanna do this whole, go to mass as a class once a month. One of my kids said to me, 'Ive never sitten in the front before' haha oh maan. Fr. Ray is my fav. homilist, I dont know if thas a word but hey i dont curr. Errtime he celebrates mass, his homilies are really thought out and prepared. I juss hope my kids whurr listening cuz he said a lot of good stuff that wow stuck out. Praise God!

Music min. afterwurds followed by long talk in the purking lot. Watched that movie assault on precint 13, the movie was pretty cool. The ending sucked though, I was expecting some type of closure and it didnt happen. It was pretty busy in that theatre being it was cerritos towne center. I was @ sPv yesterday afternoon and I saw thurr was this wedding taking place. It was funny cuz on one side you had all filipinos and the other side was all mexicans. I love weddings,
though I havent gone to one since maui.

YOu know ever since I was a little Ive always enjoyed reading. I love reading books, my sister though was the opposite she hated to read. My parents tried to find all kinds of books that would try and interest her. Anyway, so last fri. I bought this other book on St. Therese. Its called 'Shower of Heavenly Roses' and thurr true stories of answered prayers by St. Therese. Oh man the book is great! I tell you borders must be a fan of St. Therese cuz they always seem to receive some d0pe books on St. Therese. The stories in this book are juss amazing, I think sometime this week Ill shurr some w/you.

THe other nite I was talking to one of my kids online. Its funny cuz hes more talkative online than he is in person. He's very quiet in person unless you start up a convo w/him. THough hes a very smart kid, hes got like 4.o gpa and even over that. He's only been in my class since last yurr, so he's kinda one of the newbies. So, I was talking to him bout wha am I going to do in May when thurr all gone. He reminded me exactly, wha I needed to do...
JPFish187: maan wha am i going to do after may
JPFish187: when you guys are alll gone
PiNoyBallA63: PRAY
PiNoyBallA63: that we keep ur advice and keep clean

Praise GOd!

So begins another work/skool week...:sigh:

"I have called you and you are mine..."im done, im out God bless!


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