"One of the most frustrating sufferings Jesus bore must have been misunderstanding..."
WOw its 11pm and i dont know why im not in bed yet. I figured i was gonna be real worn out and exhausted by the end of the nite. Maybe it was the sturrbucks i had drank before SRE thas kinda keeping me up. PRaise God though, i dont feel kinda sickish as i did this morning. I had a hard time sleeping last nite, i kept shiverring. i thought i had dressed warm enough last nite, i guess not. I woke up @ 5am, and i had a hard time going back to sleep, so i started to clean up my room a bit then started to pray the rosary. I ended up getting ot the 3rd luminous mystery and then falling alseep. Only then waking up @ 615am with a slight headache, stomach pain and feelin a little warm. I didnt eat dinner last nite cuz i thought i wasnt hungry, though i was so hungry all last nite. I thought okay, ill juss lift it up.
I had gone to youf day at the Arch Diocese Annual Religous Ed COngress. This yurr was my 2nd yurr going and i was an appetizer forSOL youf rally. WE had some youf alpha kids go along w/those bad kids from spy. Oh man the bus was so crowded, they wanted some of the kids to pack up in threes so that all the chaperones could sit down. That didnt work at all cuz the kids hardly fit w/2 to a seat. I dont undertstand why some of the spy chaperones couldnt of juss driven over thurr. ANyway, i wasnt feel the best at all in the morning but i made it. THe noise on the buss juss seemed forever long! ahhH it always seems 10x louder when you dont feel very well.
They had this opening band called 'scarecrow and tin,' they sucked big time. I coudlnt even understand wha they were singing. Let alone they didnt even sing any real contemporary christian songs. The arena inside the convention center was packed! Thurr was youf ministires and life teens from all over, even a group from vegas was thurr! Some of the group shirts were pretty funny. ONe group had a shirt that said, 'whos your daddy?!' then another one had 'Jesus is my homeboy.' Anyway, i fell asleep off and on during the keynote speaker. It was mark hart from lifeteen, he's a good comedian. Then we went to the first workshop which was on relationships. I think the speaker was/is a protestant minister. He spoke bout how we have relationships w/errone and blah blah. I didnt really get much from this speaker.
Mass was the best part, seeing all the priests, bishops, deacons, coming on down. Obviosuly, the Cardinal Mahoney presided mass. I was hoping Bishop brown or one of the auxillary bishops of orange wouldve been thurr to help co-celebrate being that the congress is always held at the anaheim convention center. I wish though the cardina's homily was more personal, instead of juss having a youf give a reflection of how the gospel reflected their lives. I was biit frustrated w/one of the spy kids during mass. Right after communion as i was walking up back to my seat, one of the kids was on his cell. This is during the communion meditation part of the mass. As i walked passed him i told him to put it away. He defies me and continues to think he's hurrd, still using the cell. I told mrs. quionnes who was sitting in front of me to tel lhim to put it away. She put that foo on check! i was like yeesss!
Lunch was coo, i had spent $3 total all day! woO! i was tempted to buy this package deal cuz thurr was really cool book i wanted to get. It was like a catholic faith handbook or something, it was tight. I spent lunch kinda wandering around, and i ran into all these different people that i knew!! It was so exciting cuz it was like 'hey thurrs heaven sent! or thurrs LF!' haha I saw some of the HS girls and on the way out i saw the rest of hte youf ministry including fr. joe. I didnt know HS was going! Hmm who else did i see i saw gp and peter from LF. They were thurr w/their confirmation kids. OH! i ran into ja mess from LOG um who else, oh that white guy from SOL, he was w/a bosco tech. I saw also joey sepulveda thurr w/some other group. Oh yeah! then as i was walking i thik it was crystal from st. lukes, anyway one of the st. lukes girls saw me as i was passing by and hugged me. Wow soo many tight people!
The 2nd workshop was this speaker her name was renee and i was humbled when i saw her. SHe was in this wheelchurr and she opened up singing 'be not afraid.' It was wow, she had such a beautiful voice. Turns out 2 months prior to her wedding, she fell of her bed and ended up being paralyzed from the bottom down. SO she had all these trials come before her but she made the best of each and errone of them. She emphasized during her talk bout 'His grace' being sufficient for us. That was the best talk and it was really good! Before the praise & worship concert they had a show called 'cribs.' Whurr they went and took a tour of the 'OUr Lady of Angels Catherdal' in downtown LA.
The theme for the whole entire day was, 'You think you know, but you have no idea.' Which is the same theme to MTV's show 'diary.' OH! guess who i met!! I got to meet matt smith from real world 9 New Orleans!aka lifeteen guy aka biblegeek!! To me thas coo, i had him sign my bible! haha I tried to see if he would be interested in coming out for Spirit Games too. He gave me his events keeper's phone #. I called it and whatya know that foo is booked up for the next 10 yurrs. Oh well, it was still pretty tight walking and talking w/him!
So after the day was ova, i got left behind at congress! The bus left me at congress thinking they had errone not realizing i was missing! Hurr i was frantically walking around errwhurr, runing around looking for the group. At the same time trying to call sandy and liz, thinkin to myself, 'oh man, whurr are they?!' Finally i got a hold of liz and even after they all got out of the buss they still didnt realize i was missing! Sandy came and picked me back up. Whattas fiasco that was, but it was still coo cuz i got to talk to bible geek, so maybe God planned it out that way! haha
Came home totally beaten and exhausted! I wanted to rest my eyes, but i knew if i did that i wouldve felt even worse not being able to take a full nap. Ha i ended up closing my eyes for a bit. Woke up feeling real tired still, then had some time to get some sturrbucks. SRE was coo, juss been really preping them for next thurs. Geez, next week is juss filled with festivities, i tell ya. Pray for my 1st communion class as they prepare to make their 1st econciliation next thurs. Achie and i had them start to do an examination of conscience and write down some of their sins. Some of the girls have really boned w/achie it seems like. She had a big crowd of girls huddling around her after class asking her questions like 'if kissing a guy who isnt your bf a sin?' and stuff like that. haha i think its funny, and pretty cool too that they can bond w/her.
Another busy weekend to go, i may juss take tomorrow to rest. Since ill be in norco on sat., then sun core group meeting. Monday spirit games meeting, tues. youf alpha, wed.ash wednesday, mass, my mom's birfday and then watch passion. Thurs. 1st reconciliation w/the kids, then fri. watch passion again then head over to SOL for Leadership formation retreat in moval for the weekend. Also skool and work inbetween errthang else that goes on daily inbetween all my other outside activities.
"The first time i looked into your eyes i cried, do you remember the first time we fell in love..."im done, im out God bless!
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