Make it clap!

Now were clappin cuz now from the moment that i heard you say it was like my favorite track and im like ooh replay it!

Wednesday, February 18

"The person who shows love and compassion to those in any kind of affliction is blessed, not only with the virtue of good will but also with the gift of peace..."

I juss finished watching the SOL youf rally 03 on dvd. Its kinda crazy cuz i saw a lot of familiar faces that i am now friends with. As the faces passed by its like, 'hey thas so and so from such and such.' Then i was like, 'OH! thas so from such and such!' or 'Whoa i didnt know they were at youf rally or part of teh community back then.' haha Watching that dvd wore me out though, all the screaming and praising GOd. Whew i felt like i was actually thurr at that moment in time! haha ANyway, after watching that it made really look forward to going to this yurrs rally. This will be my 3rd youf rally, can ya believe it 3rd! Thas how i got to know SH was by being purrt of their youf rally skit. haha oh man that was so long ago...

Anyway, praise report for the day, my tax return came in! Woo! I was in need of some money and i was praying that hopefully soon my return would come in. The past week i was trying to check online to see if my return was approved. Obviously it was since i got the $$ direct deposited in! After skool, i was able to pay cell phone bill and i was tempted to get new shoes at the mall. Being that mall was only across the street from the cingular sturr, i resisted the temptation and drove home. Though, i did buy a new cell phone face plate! woo Its baby blue, i can only buy the nokia ones though. I dont like the ones that you can juss randomly get, i have to the nokia kind to match w/the nokia phone. Yeah, i know im anal like that.

So it looks like were gonna have a job opening at my work pretty soon. Our departmental assitant is leaving! aww i was so sad to hurr the news cuz her and i were pretty tight. We always helped each other out. She always so nice and caring, we joked around and was a total blast to work with. So whas a departmental assitant? A fancy word for saying 'clerk.' They take curr of the bills and wha not. Kinda kick back job, but thurrs a lot of responsibility to go with it. Im pretty interested to see whas gonna take place next. Her last day is march 1st, aww ijuss the best person to work with. Its gonna be weird w/her gone, it really is.

I woke up this morning w/that song, 'Come Holy Spirit of Love' in my head. I dont know why, i dont even know the lyrics, juss the first part of the CHorus. I love that song desert rose too by sting, its kinda catchy. After prayer meeting i came home and soaked my feet in hot water. It felt really good, i wish my spa was up and running again. The hot water felt so relaxing and stress free. I could juss clsoe my eyes and sleep forever...or not. ha ANyway, i wanted a foot spa for christmas, but i didnt get anything like that. Juss something simple w/jets in to massage and relax my feet. Im always up on it my feet at work, at skool, at church.

ONce again youf alpha was great the speaker had a great testimony. The topic was 'Does GOd heal?' I must admit though im not sure if the kids got anything out of her talk. Or i mean were even listening being she was an ol lady. I juss know how kids are these days. Speaking of them i think this has been the hardest youf alpha ive done so far. Only cuz majority of the kids are so relunctant to sing and dance. Its a bit of challenge and frustration too. Oh well, we got 2 weeks left and its back w/my kids. I realy miss being in the classroom and juss having that ulimate one on one experience with them. Youf alpha seemed forever long this year for some reason. IM sure though its helped a lot of the youf rekindle their relationship w/God. It was also a way for me to get to some of teh youf better, so praise God.

I had burnt a couple of youf alpha soundtracks for a couple of the girls. I asked them in return for a favor, they were like sure. I asked them to lift up a rosary for my own special intentions and to say a small prayer for me. One of the girls was funny, she was like, 'are you okay?!' I said oh yeah im fine, juss if you can pray a rosary for my special intentions that would be great! They were like yeah of course! then charles from jeanne's group asked me to buy a raffle ticket for himl. Maan thas $5! So pray that i win first place, then ill shurr the profit w/all yall! haha ANyway, i asked him in return for a favor too. Ha at first he was reluctuant thinking it was something he had to something real big for me. He was like okay, ill sing and dance on tues. haha i said no, no juss lift up a rosary for my special intentions. Hhaha

Alright i must get to sleep now, i got class at 8am. Oh why?! I dont think i want another 8am class, its too freaking early. It reminds me of my ol jr. high/hs days! agh!

Im going to youf day @ congress!

"Come Holy Spirit of love..."im done, im out God bless!


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