Can't Find Livestrong!!
"Our minds sometimes see what our hearts wish were true..."
I can't seem to find my livestrong yellow bracelt thingy! Agh!!! and thas my fav one too!! oh why?! The thing that sucks is I cant remember wha I did w/it on thurs. nite. I remember wearing it on thurs. THen I always take it before showering, so then when I went to go look for it, I onyl saw the pro-life one. So I figure it has to be some wha nurr whurr the pro-life is. Its not like those stupid things come easily too. Shesssh! St. Anthony help me find it along w/the controller to our dvd also!' haha thanks St. Anthony!!
It was so relaxing laying in bed and listening to the rain fall. Knowing I had nothing really that I HAD to do was great. On top of that, knowing I had a long weekend ahead of me was even better! Wish I could have a 5 day weekend errday weekend! woO! Though I dont like sleeping in too long cuz then the whole day is pretty much wasted. The rest of the days speeds by you so fast that you dont even remember wha you done.
I sturrted to watch the movie napleon dynamite the other nite but was too tired to finish it. Another thing I love to do is laying in bed watching movies from my laptop! haha So I got halfway through the movie the nite before then sturrted to fall asleep. Im probably like one of the last people who hasnt seen that movie. I dont even remember seeing the previews on mtv either in the past. Anyway, I loved the movie though it was hilarious! From the time I put in till the end of hte movie, I couldnt stop laughing. Now I get some of the tags that we were left on my tagboard. ha!
Had lunch w/burr at his work, I got to see his office whoa! He went from cubicle to office! haha Agh I had to go through like 2 secretaries juss to get to the guy. 'Can I help you?' 'Yeah I'm hurr to see robert moya.' 'And your name sir?' 'uh Jason.'okay let me see if he's available.' The front desk receptionist calls mr. moya's secretary to tell her I was thurr. I think the secretary asked who I was, cuz I over heard the reception say, 'I dont know he juss said jason.' Ha then before you know it the burr comes out. So we walked through ol town orange and went to eat at this sushi joint. It was pretty good, we got pretty full fast. Lunch was fun cuz we couldn't stop laughing. Afterwurrds, we went to go get some sturrbucks.
As I was about to leave, I realized I didnt have my sunglasses on me. Oh why?! Then I realized I cant leave without them cuz they whurr like 80! On top of that I dont have a backup purr either. Ran back to the sturrbucks to see if maybe it got left thurr. SUre enough it did! woO! Thanks again St. Anthony, you always help find my lost stuff! This swe3t lady found it on the churr I was sitting on and turned it in. Praise God for nice people who dont keep your stuff after they find it. Agh before that though, when I was purrking this old lady was backing up and was juss inches of way hitting me! I had to honk at her that she was backing up too close! Whew good thing she didnt hit me, I couldnt stand not having a curr again for a month!
Went to stations of the cross, some of my kids was thurr, so it was coo. Actually thurr whurr a lot of people thurr. Usually thurr isnt a whole lot of people. Whas funny is not a lot of people know wha stations of the cross is. Which I find funny, juss cuz thurr in errchurch and yet so many people have never even gone to one. Theyll ask, 'whas stations of the cross?' or 'wha do you at the stations of the cross?' I love the stations, especially after watching the passion, it really helps you focus and mediate on the cross.
Afterwurrds, went out w/fred to watch constatine. WEll we had some time to kill before the movie, so we went to chillis. Ran into my old coworker and her family over thurr. Its funny how you see people or how someone knows you and yet doesnt give you the time of day. Doesnt bother to smile say hi nothing. To me thas juss shady, especially if you've known the person for a while. Or dont you hate it when you go to a restaraunt and the server doesnt even bother to greet you or say hi? Agh...I shouldve complained to the manager haha
The movie was pretty crazy, I had a little bit of a difficult time understanding it. A lot of dialouge which made me kinda sleepy throughout the movie. THough I think I'd have to watch it twice to really understand it. I was expecting to have more action scenes then it did. The end of the movie was pretty gay. I think this one of those movies whurr you gotta pay real close attention to whas going on in order to understand it. As always, the previews hype it up to make it look real skurry, it not that skurry
Lenten Action.
In a prayerful spirit, get up early and watch the sun rise.
Lord Jesus, you spoke peace to a sinful world and brought mankind the gift of reconciliation by the suffering and death you endured. I love you and joyfully bear the name 'Christian.' Teach me to follow your example. Increase my faith, hope and charity so that I may struggle to turn hatred to love and conflict to peace.
"Malo Malo..."im done, im out GOd bless!
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