So I Wait For You
"Pray as though everything depended on God. Work as though everything depended on you..."
MISS EM: I miss these guys right here...even though its only been two weeks it feels like I havent seen/talked to them in ages. Sometimes it is true, you tend ot appreciate people when you don't really see them. Distance does make the heart grow fonder...ha Even through the rough spots, you still tend to stick together. LAst nites prayer meeting had me realize how much I missed praying w/all of them. Its through them that I've grown in my own spirituality. I love how and how songs and how music ministry! yay for hooooooooooooooow!
THE ARCHIVES: Its funny whne you read your blog archives and you take a look at the different moments in your life. Of course, there are no details of exactly wha happened. ALthough, when you read it, those moments become fresh as the time it first occurred. At the same time you, look and you see how much you've grown from that time. How much God has hmm walked you through those hard times. Its not all difficult moments either that are in the archives, its those moments that you can juss never forget. The laughter spent w/good people, the places of new adventures taken, the lessons you learned...Especially whne you check out the photos too...ohhh man! Those archives...too crazzzy!!
THE STRUGGLE: Confirmation tues. nite was juss too much. I learned that more than half of my kids are not going to mass on sundays. Finding that out was very dissapointing, yet I also learned that most of those kids went to sPv together and graduated from there. So they all know each and have this close connection. Funny thing is they all ended up being in my class, and are notorious for being juss terrrible. With allen missing that nite, it was a bit frustarting, gave them the whole lecture bout the importance of going to mass, some of them juss dont really care bout making their confirmation either. I think out of all the classes this year, I probably have the worse one? Last year and this year have been completely opposite. Though I guess thas God telling me to keep on going despite the difficulties. I guess if God is able to help me work through at least one person in the class, then hey thas one more soul saved. Their teacher from last year left them hanging in the middle cuz she couldnt deal w/it anymore, and I see why. I guess I gotta keep on going.
AN ODE TO MEL: Ive been hanging out a lot w/mel as of recently. She's one of the blessings that have come out of comign to holy fam. Within the past couple of months we've become real close friends. We were talking tonite and juss talking bout the whole time line of how coming ot holy fam. Time really does goes by too fast. The one thing bout her is that she's so filled w/GOd's love. Even when she's upset w/you, or a dissapointed, she doesn't lash out on you or yell, but talks to you w/the utmost gentleness and love. Despite the obstacles that she's gone through, she still continues to give her all to God. A strong pillar in the youf ministry, inside the parish, with her being gone it's going to be different. She's always there giving a warm smile, a total reflection of God's love.
BIRFDAY SHOUT OUT: Happy birfday shout out going to jan-michael. One of the first people in the youf ministry who I met JEsus through. Its people like that who are unforgettable. After a long day at work, all I could look forward to was hopefully coming to the church, to the youf ministry. God answered my prayers cuz I made it in time to attend. Then afterwards going from bjs to jack in the box...having that long convo. w/jan-michael and francis. It was something I had really needed that nite. Yeah, this guy is one heck of a guy, filled with a variety of different gifts he offers to the youf ministry. Happy birfday jan-michael!!
MAKES YOU WONDER: I was reading my cousins xanga, and he brought up interesting point bout the things to think bout in your daily life...interesting...
So ive always wondered again and again, over and over, and maybe this will leave you something to think about. What would I be doing, if i wasn't doing what I was doing right now, moreover and again, what would I be doing if i hadn't met the people that i met yesterday, or the week before, or maybe last month over? You can interpret that question any way that you want. Be it in relation to your job, to your what your doing right now, to what your going to do tomorrow, or what you did yesterday, or an errand that you need to run. And to the latter, might be focused more on your relationships with ne one, or maybe with everyone. YOU decide.
THE WAY I SEE IT: At starbucks they have these small little motivational messages on the back of their cups. Its called 'the way I see it.' I dont know if theyve always had this or its something new. Anycase, whenever I go to starbucks now, I'm going to try and collect the cups. I wonder how many there are altogether, I have #58 & #63.
I have faitih. Faith in our wondrous capacity for hope and good, love and trust, healing, and forgiveness. Faith in the blessing of our infinite ability to wonder, question, pray, feel, think, and learn. I have faith. Faith in the infinite possibilities of the human spirit. -James Brown
Our lives are inspired by the dreams we have from the earliest stages of our youth. When you combine passion and hard work, then success is always possible. While no road is ever straight, dedication and persistence will always lead you to your dreams. -Arte Moreno
BACK ONLINE: After wha felt like months of messed up dsl, I'm finally online. Hopefully this time, without any complications or problems. SBC sent out another tech to check out and pin down the problem. After testing errthang, he pinned down the problem, a messed up phone jack. The main phone jack that connects the main phone line and the dsl was old. Its so good to know that I can go online now w/o having to turn the phone on. The nice thing too, what wouldve cost us $95.00, costed us 0! He waived it off and said it was something from their end. Whew! We wouldnt of never been able to have pin point the problem had he not come.
FIRST WEEK BACK: This first week back to work has been a little tough. I wasn't ready to come back to work juss yet. I wish we could turn back the clock to that last week of skool in december. Gosh, wehre does the time go?! The kids, I think too had a hard time transitioning from no skool then going back to routine. Then to still not have a permanent teacher yet too, it's made things even more interesting. There were some funny moment w/the kids this week though. Monday, we were doing spelling and I was asking some of them to define some of the words. I asked one of the girl to define the word 'sock,' she goes to me, 'sock is like you know...' then held up a fist haha I wanted ot laugh. Then thursday while doing math, one of the little boys who well has no clue really whas going on, wanted me to help him w/his math. He goes to me, 'mr. jason help me do the princesses!' haha Referring to that one time while doing adding, using princesses as an example. He gets the concept when I use examples he can relate to. It's juss funny cuz he's a boy and instead of doing boy stuff he's into princesses. Next week will be even more interesting.
"You are amazing GOd..."imm done, im out GOd blesS!
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