"Where there is no vision, people perish..."
So this short entry that im going to try to push before the 12am deadline. I need to make sure that i have at least one entry per day. YEs, i am anal like that, i think ive became more anal once i met the burr! Oh man hes the king of analness if thas even a word. haha THe burr is hardcore punctual and hardcore anal too. hahaha Anyway, i didnt to SOl last nite cuz well i didnt want to drive durr bymyself #1 and #2 that stupid neon eats up a lot of gas. As a result of me not going to SOL, i decided to spend the evening at the "Volunteers In Action" awards ceremony at the City of La Mirada performance arts theatre.
So why do i have a picture of Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton? Well i put that up cuz Boss lady aka emeline reminds me of her! Yay! Boss lady put together and coordinated the whole VIA ceremony. It was like putting together the academy awards you know?! IT was a huge awards show honoring the many volunteers who help make the City of La Mirada special. The picture above looked like boss lady last nite, doing them politics. haha Boss lady and hillary in a way have the same kind of hmm traits/characteristics. A people type person, who puts themselves out durr in the crowd.
THeyre humble and dont curr bout getting the praise/glory. Theyre juss out to get the job done, and make the people happy. For those who dont know boss lady, is the community services coorinator and runs the whole senior center building at La Mirada. Thas crazy to run a whole building and watch over staff as well as do your admin. work and put together city-wide community events thas like whoa! It takes someone with a lot of charisma and strong to step up to the many difficult challenges that comes w/the job. Im sure the seniors enjoy wha boss lady does for them.
At the end of the show the mayor gave boss lady big ups for doing such a d0pe iob. For putting in a tremendous amount of work and effort into making one evening special. I saw boss lady mingle in w/the people. Some seniors, some city staff and others volunteers. I was juss so impressed and proud of boss lady that all i could think of or say was yay! haha well i said good job also. I could see boss lady as a politician one day haha maybe she'll be senator soratorio-moya one day in congress. Then i can help campaign and endorse boss lady and ill have people look at my ol blog entry to show them why they need to elect boss lady! haha
So fridays entry is a special tribute to boss lady! yay!!
"I promise you, for you i will..."im done, im out God bless!
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