Make it clap!

Now were clappin cuz now from the moment that i heard you say it was like my favorite track and im like ooh replay it!

Saturday, January 21

The Look

"Being obedient she became the cause of salvation for herself and for the whole human race..."

STABILITY: Finally, there is going to be some stability at work. Going from sub to sub was driving the kids nuts, then having a sub who the kids were use to for a month, then getting someone brand new was madness. Yes, all is well now with a new teacher, comes probably some new changes. Im having a hard time reading her and figuring out wha she's going to be like. I hope she's not one who 'sticks to the books.' The other sub we've been having for a month was d0pe, probably cuz she was my age, thas why we got a long so well. The other day in the lounge we were talking bout clubs and she was saying how she doesn't go to any clubs where she has to pay. She figures she's a girl she doesn't need to pay. The only thing she'll pay for is her drinks, yeah talk bout high maintence alright.

GLAD TRAINING: Thursday was juss madness having 15 new teachers in my classroom all morning for this GLAD training. Its put on my the orange county dept. of education and its a training for new/1st year teachers. A training on creative teaching ideas, learning strategies, discipline tips etc. There was older teacher in there conducting this whole month long lesson and condenessing it into a 4 hr. lesson plan. Pretty crazy but amazingly the kids grasped it pretty well. I learned a few things too that have been helping me dealing with the kids also. Here's some cool things I learned...
-Learning logs: There's two parts to the paper, half that says text and the other that says you. The kids are to sketch/write on the text side two facts about whatever the theme or lesson is. For example we learning bout oceanography so the kids write on the text side two facts bout the shark/crill, then on the you side they write/sketch something about an ocean animal.

-Listening sketch: While you read a story to the kids, they can sketch wha they're seeinig as the story is being read.

-Narrative input chart: You tear apart the story and you can add the text of the story behind each picture. This way kids can see the picture w/o you having to turn the pages. You can use butcher paper to create a story board or a background for the story. Have students share w/one another about which part of the story they liked best after its over. Dont stop the story inn the middle to make predictions-this way the story will juss floow.

-Sentence patterning chart: You take apart whatever the theme or lesson is and you create sentences. First using the adjectives, then nouns, verbs, then prepositional phrases(the where). This is something to use at teh end of the unit. After words you take the words and chunk them into sentences singing it to the tune of 'farmer in the dell.' This one was a fun one, its a little complicated to juss read unless you actually see it, and there's more to this acitivity also, if youre interested let me know! ha

-Process grid chart: You create different catagories for your unit to build sentences and then chunk them together. Similar to the sentence patterning chart but a little bit different.

Anyway, juss some ideas I had taken away from the training on thursday. Sooo for you teachers out there who teach primary, some ideas you could use in your own classroom.

Went to a parish coord. meeting at holy fam. the other nite. Even though it was a normal 2 hr. meeting it felt like forever long. Probably cuz there was jusss so much to discuss and talk bout. Then there were people who had to ask questions for every single topic. My goodness, I was sitting there towards the end of the meeting getting real antsy. I was almost tempted to sit there bust out my phone to play. I know, I know bad idea, its juss well if you know me, then you understand ha.

ADDICTED: Those who have known me for a while, remember how I was real addicted to that game snake on my phone. Well, the past couple of months Ive gotten addicted to a new game, called 'bounce.' Oh man games on your phones are such a cool invention. It helps you kill time when youre waiting. I thought there was only 3 stages, but I realized that after passing the 3rd stage that well theres more stages. That it adds another stage after passing each stage. Im on already stage 9 and wow Im so addicted to that game taht even when I'm driving or eating I have to stop and play it. Fun, fun, fun!

THE VIEW: Thursday, went to coy's dad's viewing, I've never gone to an open casket viewing. Well not that I've gone to a lot of viewing and funerals in my time either. It was funny cuz coy was intro. his bil to me and the guy was like oh yeah I remember him. He looks familiar, but I can't remember where I've met the guy before. I hate when that happens cuz then it bugs you until you figure out where you met the person. ANyway, I went again the other nite too, juss to support the fam. Its amazing how quickly things happen, before you know it, your tiime is up. I took monday off also, to attend the funeral. It was funny cuz cici asked me how my cousin's were doing and I had totally forgotten that she had gone out w/him when they were in jr. high. It was a whole puppy dog love type thing, kinda gross but that you look back on it you laugh.

HAPPY HOUR CREW: I haven't been chillin much w/the happy hour crew. Probably cuz by the time I get out of whatever I'm doing I'm already too tired to go. On top of that the thought of havingn to drive to wherever costa mesa, long beach, etc. doesn't really appeal to me all that much on a weeknite. Don't get me wrong I enjoy chillin w/them cuz the convos we have our fun, and interesting but I think I'm getting old ha energy level decreasing. Anyway, last nite was fun at bjs, happy hour crew is like that show the view. Errtime we meet up, there always seems to be different people there. ha Looks like I'm making it a mai tai's nite tonite!

JESUS NIGHT: After the viewing thurs. nite I went to sPc it was like a maze trying to go around all that construction and stuff. Wasn't too sure if Jesus was open to see, but despite all the construction He was still there. So I sat for a few hours and I attempted to finish reading all my confirmation journals. I have about 4-5 more left, by 11pm by hand was starting to hurt from all the writing responses. Anyway, I was suprised by the responses I was reading. They were all good cuz they were so honest and through in regards to themselves personally. As the expression goes, it sometimes really is the ones you least expect. I do doubt whether or not they're getting anything out of wha I teach, but suprisingly it's showing through their writing. One of the questions they had to answer is wha they've learned so far. A lot of them put that making out is a mortal sin ha! Well bettter somethign then nothing right?

NEW JOB OPP: So Ive applied for a new job, well more like a second job actually. There's this opening for an exec. assitant for the rectory at holy fam. Im hoping that it'll work out and I can get the job. I have an interview on wed. nite, so cross your fingers and pray hard that somethign will work out. It'll be nice to have another set of income coming in on errother week basis rather than juss once a month. Besides working in a church I think could be adventure!

Here's our group pic that we took at the formal...the holy fam youf ministry. The advisors and the kids, taking pics like such brings back so many memories of high skool dances. Where does the time go? Thanks john reyes for cracking the code and getting them for me!

how come the marquee is so jacked up now?

"For the look in your eyes..."im done, im out God bless!


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