Make it clap!

Now were clappin cuz now from the moment that i heard you say it was like my favorite track and im like ooh replay it!

Wednesday, January 25

Run It

"Christ has no body on earth but yours, no hands but yours, no feet but yours. Yours are the eyes through which Christ's compassion for the world is to look out; yours are the feet with which He is to go about doing good; and yours are the hands with which He is to bless us now..."

Ive been having a lack of sleep these couple of days. I cant even get a full rest cuz of my sinuses. Agh! the stupid change of weather really jacks it all up. At least it's not totally stuffed, and I can still breathe through my nose. It sucks when especially you're reallly tired and you look forward to sleeping in but you cant and you end up waking up earlier then anticipated. Hopefully its juss sinuses and I'm not catching anything. I took an airborne too juss in case, the last thing I need right now is to get sick.

Work was killer yesterday it was juss one of those days. I get tired of doing the whole rotation groups. Repeating myself 9 different times, saying the same thing over and over. At the same time, the kids are still trying to get use to having a new teacher w/changes. There's one kid who has been getting pretty bold since last week. He has become real defiant I dont know wha it is, all I know is that I was getting really irrtiated w/him. Aghhh I was telling him to sit down and he straight out would tell me no! You really start to become impatient w/things like that occurr, especially if youre not feeling the best. How many days of work left? Ahh juss two more, juss two more.

ADORE: After work spent some time at the blessed sacrament at sPv, it was adoration. I think it was juss exactly wha I needed after the madness of work. Finished reading all the journals and then juss spent some time in prayer. Juss like wha we were talking bout at the youf group meeting, bout distractions getting away at the blessed sacrament is the best way to focus. Yup, I like it when the chapel is completely empty and its juss you and Him one on one. It juss reminds me of that song, you & me. And I don't know why, I can't keep my eyes off of you...

So there was positives and negatives to last nite's class. Well first off, the negative is taht I juss so happened ot get a whole group of kids who graudated from sPv together and are all good friends. On top of that I ended up getting a grip of boys from that class that can be often times too much. Teaching sucks, especially whne you're not feeling the best. Funny thought, I was in the blessed sacrament before class praying for juss a smooth productive class. I began to think well maybe these kids aren't so bad after all. Ha! So much for that, I sent two kids outside and one next door to felipe's class. I cant stand for distractions in my class, especially when there's so much I want to cover in one nite. Francis came and gave a testimony bout his story, how he became convicted to the faith. Hopefully there was some type of conviction going inside of them. See its not so much the girls who are bad, its the guys, all the talking and screwing around that I cant stand. Anyway, I tested the waters and took the risk of intro. them to an action song. It worked for the most part at least, lulaley I love it!

BAck to holy fam I went for the tail end of core meeting. Gave a small presentation in regards to wha francis and I are going to be focusing on the rest of his term. Showed them the youf rally dvd bout the works of mercy challenge, fr. vic stopped by and seemed real interested in wha he saw. Yeah its crazy how God inspires you to do certain things, sometimes you dont know wha it is, but I guess thas when you juss have to trust. The core seemed to respond well to it as well, it was suggested to present it to the general youf. Im lucky that I got paired up with such a strong core member, rather then someone who cant committ. For the most part I think we work well together ha we make a good team.

Finally the weekend almost here!

"Because weekends were made for fun..."im done, im out God bless!


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