Make it clap!

Now were clappin cuz now from the moment that i heard you say it was like my favorite track and im like ooh replay it!

Sunday, April 30


"God's mercy is like an unleashed torrent; it bears away all hearts in its flood..."

Spring break was here and gone in a flash. Didn't do a whole lot, but it was nice while it lasted. A nice break from the kids, well kids in general. WEnt to the beverly center twice, praisefest @ uci, painting of the St. Jospeh's center, movie nite...hostile and brokeback mountain, what a combo. Lunch w/the ol coworkers from stanton, and catching up w/them was fun. Good convo w/francis in the car about teaching and society today. Running around getting things prepared for the 'ressurection' ha spending an afternoon helping Rob get the house back in order...that hard? yeaah that hard! Trying to get back in the habit of working out again. All in all it was a pretty well rounded spring break.

DINNER W/HEIF: Monday nite had dinner w/heif at the mac grill. GOod lobster ravaloi I had haha Its always fun getting togehter w/your best friend and juss catching up on life and people. I remember when I was offered the stanton job and I was hesitant to jump at a new opportunity for fear Id loose contact w/heif. Though if a friendship is based a on good foundation then no matter wha you'll always be friends or something like that. Im trying to help her get a new job at stanton in the summer as a coordinator. It sucks going through skool, receiving your degree then working full time making a part time salary. Anyhow, great dinner with a great friend...yup priceless!

CONFIRMATION REFLECTIONS: Were coming to the end of confirmation already, with only 2 weeks left. I had them do this 6 point reflection on what this class has done for them. Its quite interesting the responses I have gotten back. I think I've done my job equipping them w/all the necessary tools to help preapre them. Despite the challenges we've had collectively with behavior problems, interruptions etc. I've see them grow in their faith. Which is probably the greatest part of teaching, religous education. Ha its funny one of the questions asked was 'waht is something that you'll always take away from this class.' A couple of them wrote that making out is a sin! ha So if they can remember stuff like that then, I think they're good to go. Ive always told them that they were the worst class I've ever had. However the guilt trip I tried to pull on them I think kinda backfired on me. They're not that bad, its juss well I guess they've challenged me to really do what I can to encounter the face of Christ w/errone.

TESITMONY: Tuesday, one of the former confirmation kids came to my class and gave a testimony. He wasnt in my class, but I was still close to him. Anyway, his testimony about having faith and being in confirmation was unbelievable. In fact I wasn't even expecting him to say a whole lot. Though the spirit was totally moving through him, errthang juss kept flowing together. Even my kids were suprised at how well he was speaking and what he was saying. Talk bout sending a conviction through them, which was really meaningful for them. THis year I started something new by having different people come in and speak to them sharing their own testimony of faith. Funny thing is this year they ended up being all guys...though I guess it doesn't matter, its the message that counts. The point of it all was to bring in people of different walks, different journeys, yet around their age to see how God has worked through their lives. ANd how God can do the same thing for them in their lives if they juss open themselves up.

Wednesday was a crazy afternoon at the rectory. Having all the kids there working on posters for the confirmation dance. It would seem as if lately, there's this new bland of youf becoming active. Which is good to see, cuz they may end up becoming future core members. I have to admit w/the outgoing core 'leaving' I am a little worried on who's going to come in next or if we'll have even any. I guess thas one of the things I juss have to offer up to God and let him take care of. Anyway, so I get sent on this mission to help one of the former priests who is retired. Apparently he had fallen and couldn't get up. I take a couple of kids w/me juss in case. Didnt even dawn on me how I would get inside the house until I got there. Stood around for 30 min. trying to find ways to get inside the house w/Father yelling that it's unlocked. 30 min. his relative comes by the house and ends up helping him get back up. Even though it was a failure, it was kinda fun, probably to the neighbors we looked like burglars or something. ha

BACK IN ACTION: So after a month of break, the young adult ministry is back in action. I missed having prayer meetings, its helped knda nourish my own spiritual growth. Small meeting but never the less good. DUring the scripture sharings, banne talked bout being able to share the easter joy errday of our lives. Sharing those easter stories with those we encounter, allowing them to see the joy of easter in our lives. Making errday a praise report, to share w/those around us. As I was doing my own personal reflection on the road to emmaus story, it remined me to see the face of Christ through errone. SOmething that I need to remind myself, errday, especially now working at the rectory. Its easy to loose patience w/people, but as aela always said...'patience is a virtue.' Praise God for community, praise God for prayer meetings.

EUCHARIST I: I was given the challenge to teach eucharist I, back to the basics. Wow at first I realized it was going to be extremely challenging. Though as we've grown together errthursday, I think they've learned a lot. With them as well I had them write down what they've learned this past year and what they would liek to know. Im currently discerning whether or not to teach again next year. If I do I'd want to do eucharist II and keep growing with them. We've gone on a long journey together and its amazing how they too ahve grown. Thursday we talked bout faith, hope, and love what it all means, and how it all ties in w/that road to emmaus. Sometimes they dont quite understand but its good cuz they ask me to clairify which allows them to dig deeper and search for understanding.

ROOFING PROBLEMS: The past week at the rectory they've been working on refixing the roof. ALl week I've been hearing all this noise as they put on a new roof. WEll thursday, one of the guys dropped the air conditioning unit, which fell on a network wire. Oh man what a catasrophe that was! The phone lines went out as well as the whole network! No internet, no outlook, nothing! Karen's husband came in and attemped to fix things on a short term basis. Amazing how relient we are on technology these days.

PRAISEFEST: LASt friday I went to uci's praisefest, wasn't sure if I was going to make it this year but I did. It was good, the theme was 'in God we trust' focusing on what it takes to trust in God. The speaker was very convicting, some random person from oxnard but he send a powerful message. Errtime I go to yfc @ uci, its weird how its a brand new class. Even though I'm not an alumni its crazy how its fresh faces from the time I use to go. Though its great to see how diverse it has become and the different people getting involved w/their faith. The annual ihop hang out was good, then ended up taking jay back to west co. Good thing I had enough energy to get home and not fall asleep. The best part of a late nite drive is when you see your exit and you know you're almost home!

FINISHING THE JOB: SAturday morning did part II of the painting of the St. Jospeh's center. Woke up early in the morning which was a little difficult but it was cool. Helped get the church back in order first for the 8am mass. Then went along to start painting, wha was anticipated a 2 hour job became an all morning one. Had jamaba juice to help get the juice going to finish the job, but it was fun. It became a great bonding session as well a chance to get to know more people. The only thing that sucked was the paint itself. Instead of it being a oil based it was water making it harder to paint on the walls. Oh well we got the job done, and now it looks a little bit brighter in the St. Jospeh's center.

HOME IMPROVEMENT: Helped Rob put together this china cabinet on thurs. nite. I didnt think it wsa going to take so long! Oh man when we opened the box there were tons of small screws and pieces. I hate those types of jobs where its put it together yourself. Im the type taht would rather pay someone to do it and get it done w/then me having to do it on my own. I think it took us almost 2 hours to put together the cabinet. I have to say though its always nice to look at your project in the end and smile knowing you finally did it. I'm such a good help friend! haha We still need to take a picture next to the stupid thing haha

SAVING GAS: THis past week Ive been walking to and from work. Im trying to save myself some gas $$ as well as get some morning excercise. Its not that bad its less then 15 min. of a walk. It helps me to clear my head and use that time as my morning prayer. With the gas prices already at $3 a gallon mine as well do all that I can to save gas. Its as if Im killing two birds with one stone, well maybe even more than that. Morning prayer, morning excercises, and morniing reflection great way to start your work day. Especially when working w/kids with all the madness you juss need some time to take a breath and breathe. ha

DUNKS EXCHANGE: Went to dunks exchange saturday over @ 330 in brea. Its this monthly happening where people come in and trade/buy off each others shoes and clothes. Freakin $5 to get inside, well I didnt pay for my admission I had marc do that ha but still. Maybe it was juss me but some err many of the shoes look tore up also, they're all used and stuff. Some of the dunks were them hard to find ones, but still. ALso some of the vendors had bape stuff as well. Im not too into that brand, its too expensive and it's not really my style. I think Id rather buy brand new dunks then used ones that other people have worn. Then again thas juss me...

NEW JOB OPP: So Kathleen Meyer the principal of OLF at holy fam. encouraged me to apply for an insturctional assitant position at the skoo. We were having this convo bout catholic skools and teaching in general. She told me she found me very passionate about teaching and to apply at the skool. She might have a few positions opening up and on top of that they need male teachers at the skool. Interesting thing she told me is that sometimes when teachers are out she lets the aide take over the classroom as the sub for the day. I thought that was pretty cool, you can only do that in private skools, you'd never see that happen in the public sector. Even though Im secure in my job for another yeear, its always good to have other opportunities knock.

My blogs have gone from daily to weekly entries now...

"And you can have what's left of me..." im done, im out God bless!

Friday, April 21


"To share what one has is nothing if one does not give oneself..."

GREAT FEELING: This past week I pushed myself to get back into the habit of going to daily mass again. Man I miss going to daily miss, I had forgotten that wonderful you get by going to errday. Especially when you go in the morning, its the best way to start off your day. THe past couple of lenten seasons that was one of the things I offered up, by going ot daily mass errday. Although it was hard getting up, it was juss nice feeling starting off your day w/prayer and with Jesus. I really love daily mass at St. I cuz I think they have the best morning time...830am. It's not real early, nor is too late either. On top of that the homilies are really good, especially this past week.

HUMILITY: Two characters in the story of the crucifixion, Peter and Judas. Both character end up denying Jesus at some point. Juss like we do, but who are we Judas or Peter? The difference between was Judas denied Jesus but his heart remained clouded cuz of his pride. However Peter understood Jesus and was able to let go of his own pride. The question is who are we going to be like? Peter or Judas? In our own daily lives we are going to fall but the key is to come back w/humilityand ask for forgiveness. This is what lent is all about denying ourselves and walking w/Jesus to the cross so on easter we can share in the ressurection and all the glory that comes with that.

DIVINITY: On top of that sometimes I think we forget that Jesus was human as well as divine. That he went through emotions and struggles himself. How he must've felt when he was betrayed by two of this own friends, especially judas. Feeling lost, cuz of the one you trusted and loved betrtayed you. Yeah Jesus felt all that cuz of his humainity but the nice thing is that he forgives cuz he's God in his divine. No matter how hard we try its hard to forgive. Though we can receive consolation through the cross. Allowing forgiveness gives us freedom, peace yet we cant do it on our own. We need his grace to get through it. Jesus forgave them as he was getting nailed to that cross, 'Father forgive them for they know not what they do.' We need to forgive so we too can share in the glory of the ressurection.

LOVING IT: Even though at times my job is so tiring, I've come to begun to love it. Yes the beginning was tough with not knowing what to expect. On top of that having a hard time adjusting from one place to another. However, the kids are great they make me smile. This past week at work Ive juss been humbled. WOrking in a low income neighborhood says a lot, it goes to show that even though I may not have the richest skool w/all the resource I have something unique and special with these kids. Its all bout the simple things that please them, I had asked them what makes them happy? One girl goes cuz my mom is buying me a new box of crayons, another one said, 'cuz I dont have my name on the board.' Then I have my new filipino kid who realized the importance of family and how special they were to him. My coworkers are great, they're real chill and cool to talk to. Ive made this second grade buddy this past week in this second grade class Ive been observing in. He's a cute little tangon kid who I was told made a total 180 change in behavior. Thas great, I think for most of the kids all they need is juss someone to love them and give them attention.

THE FIRSTS: This past year has been a celebration of the firsts. First time moving to a new parish, first time helping out in a youf ministry, etc. Coming to holy family has been a first as a whole. Anyway, so I celebrated holy week here at holy family, it was a really nice experience. They go all out w/the liturgy when they celebrate these events. Thursday the washing of the feet was juss boootiful. Even though I didnt participate in it, I was getting this tingly feeling all inside of me. Friday the stations of the cross play hmm well I was expecting it to be real dramatic, turns out it was more like a musical. For the first time in 3 years, I missed st. lucy's passion play. Ended up going half way through easter vigil mass to help out tito rudy w/the power point. Man I want a apple notebook! Easter Sunday went to sPv w/the fam for mass but I wasn't feelin it. I didnt feel like Christ had really risen, so I went to holy fam right after. Yup that was more like it, the singing, the clapping, this was place to be. I love this parish, I havent even been here a year and yet it feels like I've known errone forever.

LUNCH VISITS: I had lunch w/Fr. Paul last tues. it was great seeing him. I think the last time I had seen him was christmas eve. Its always funny going out to eat at restaraunts w/him. Anyway, its too bad he isnt too happy at this parish in hunington. Apparently the pastor is real dictator over there wanting things his way only. I cant imagine working for or with someone who is like that. I often wonder wha would things be like if stayed at sPv. I wouldve missed this whole other world out here. Those were the days, time flies by like no other. The augustinian spirit is sure missed at sPv.

THE PASSION: So on tuesday, with youf min. core we watched the Passion of the Christ movie. I forgot how graphic the movie was. Thtat was the first time I've seen in it since the movie came out 3 years ago. However at the same time it was good reminder of Christ's love for us. A love story of betrayl, forgiveness, and errthang else in between. On top of that it moves to help remember to see the face of Christ through errone. I mean if Christ can die for those who hurt him and nailed him to that cross, so can we show kindness and compassion to those who irritate us. Though I tell you patience is certainly one virtue I lack. Praise God for reminders on how to love and be patient, even when its hard.

ROSCOES & SHOPPING: Last sunday, keturah picked me up and went shopping at the beverely center. Well she went shopping, I juss went along for the ride. Its a nice place not to mention expensive stores. I was told that sometimes you can run into celebs over there, ha too bad it didnt happen. At up agaisnt the wall I saw that they carried one of my favorite brands...triple 5 soooooooul! A brand that is hard to find out here and usually carried back east, hEnce the name triple 5 soul nyc. After spending sometime shopping, we ate at roscoes chicken and waffles out there. My first time it was aiight, I guess I was expecting it to be reaallll bomb. THough it wasnt, it tasted like any other fried chicken, probably errone hypes it up cuz when do you eat chicken w/waffles @ the same time you know?

YOUNG ADULTS: It looks the youung adult ministry is finally getting themselves established. There was a transition meeting last wed. from the interim core to the new core. It brought back ol memories from serving in SH. The change is nice to brand new faces step up and take a leadership position to help make this ministry going. My cousin being one of them, I was suprised to see that she had joined the core, though its nice to know she's getting involved. Interesting thing I realized is that many of them on core are coming from all kinds of different parishes in the archdiocese. They have a lot of projects lined up for them already, which is great to see and really getting themselves out there and going. Hopefully they can recruit more people to come out and join their community.

EASTER: Easter sunday came and went, nothing too spectacular. Thas wha it seems like happens at all family gatherings now a days. Its hard to believe some of my older cousins are getttnig married, or are married and or starting their own families. I remember the days when familly gatherings were like hs cliques, ha by age group though. Nice thing is that we still my grandpa and grandma alive to celebrate the holidays. It seemed not to long ago, one easter sunday we were swimming in my backyard, ha so much for that now.

MOVING PARTY: Helped the moyas last week move to their new house. It felt like a relief effort ha we had a lot of people out there. I thought it was going to take forever but it ran a lot smoother then I had anticipated. Moving is hard, especially when you have a grip of stuff. THough I think the key element in moving w/anything is being organized. Ill give it to the moyas they were effcient by slowly packing and moving things in sections rather then doing errthang at one time. Helped make the moving party run a lot easier. I hate moving when nothing is organized or ready to go. I was beginning to look around at my own house thinking the things we would have to take if ever we had to move. Hijole we have a grip of junk in our house, too bad there isnt enough space to store all of it.

GETTING HOTTER: The weather is slowly warming up w/a little bit of wind. Its actually starting ot feel like spring/summer. In the beginning I hate the daylight savings time, but as progress on w/it I end up enjoying it. Nice seeing the sun still out at like 630-7pm. Ive been wanting to go take a trip to the beach lately, but havent exactly made the effort in going out to do that. Too bad I dont have a body like errsher to walk around in ha! Anyway, I hope thas the last of the rain for a while. I hate when it rains cuz it cuts out 15 min. of my lunch period at work in the morning. On top of that I cant sleep in and listen to the rain drops fall from the roooftop ha.

TODD SMITH: The other day I purchased the todd smith CD, it's pretty darn good. Im feeling that one track called 'asile' with 112 on it. Most of the songs have featured artists on there, from jlo to 112 to jamie foxx. To me its well worth buying, so if youre in the area stop by your nearest best buy or target and cop that! haha There are some other interesting songs on myspace as well. Its funny the things you can learn on there. For example I didnt know that guy sway that was on amercian idol use to be part of the drop n harmony.

INVITES: I juss had to post this interesting run in before I sleep. Making the most out of my day off(last monday), I had gone to mass at sPc as well trying to go to confession. After being there all nite I still didnt even make it they shut the doors on me oh why?! THas another story thought, anyway, so sitting in the bacjk where I was sitting was this young guy probably a little older than me. After mass was over I had seen him move up to inside the church area to pray the rosary and chapelt. He stayed for the rosary and chaplet throughout the whole time I was debating whether to invite him to the young adult ministry or not. So after praying he walks outside, and I go outside and well stopped him.

WHAT HAPPEND: Told him that I was apart of a young adult ministry @ holy fam and thought maybe he might be interested in checking it out. Turns out he use to go holy fam, back in the days when they had the youf group there. In fact he knows nicole and some other people who were apart of that group. Well he told me he would like to go but wed. nites are bad nites for him cuz thas his training nite or something. He usually goes to mass then works out or runs afterwards then goes to gracey academy for jit su. Talk bout hardcore! Cool guy though, he told me maybe when he's lazy or something he'll come by and check it out. He seemed interested though, its not often you find young adults especially males who go to daily mass and stay for the entire rosary and chaplet.

So I found this on someone's myspace blog...thought it was quite interesting.
HAVENT LIVED: Love is passion, obsession, someone you can't live without. If you don't start with that, what are you going to end up with? Fall head over heels. I say find someone you can love like crazy and who'll love you the same way back. And how do you find him? Forget your head and listen to your heart. I'm not hearing any heart. Run the risk, if you get hurt, you'll come back. Because, the truth is there is no sense living your life without this. To make the journey and not fall deeply in love - well, you haven't lived a life at all. You have to try. Because if you haven't tried, you haven't lived.” – William Parrish (Meet Joe Black)

FINDING THEM: How can you be certain you'll find them?
-Personally, I don’t think anyone should ever feel certain about finding someone because you will never know when and where you’ll meet this person or will your paths should ever cross?

IF YOU DO: And if you do finally find them, are they really the one for you or do you only think they are?
-In my opinion, I don’t think it is about finding the RIGHT person for you nor even thinking if they are the right one. It is about CONVINCING one’s self and KNOWING that you are ready to be the RIGHT person for him/her. Besides, what makes an individual think that he/she deserves to find the right person? Love is all about risks, it is only up to you who should decide weather or not you’re willing to give everything for this certain person without expecting anything in return.

And what happens if the person you're supposed to be with never appears, or does, but you're too distracted to notice?
-Again, there is no telling and guarantee if this person will ever walk into your life. And if they do appear, it will be impossible for you to miss it, despite all the distractions otherwise it was never meant to be.

Then let's say God puts two people on Earth and they are lucky enough to find one another. But one of them gets hit by lightning. Well then what? Is that it? Or, perhaps, you meet someone new and marry all over again. Is that the person you're supposed to be with or was it the first? And if so, when the two of them were walking side by side were they both the one for you and you just happened to meet the first one first or was the second one supposed to be first?

-When two people find each other and fall deeply in love is far more than LUCK but the work of FATE and DESTINY in its finest. For as we all know that GOD has a reason for every event in our lives, good or bad. (I would see “somewhere in time” for that one, ha). And if we are worthy enough to find and have someone to be with for the rest of our lives, that moment should be cherished to the full extent for you will never know when it’s going to end. Also, when you are deeply in love and in such a state of CONTENT and SATISFACTION… I would assume you should NEVER worry about finding someone else when our significant other leaves us and the world behind.

CHANCE: And is everything just chance or are some things meant to be?
-I believe everything around us is a chance… a chance to make the most of our lives, a chance to be happy, a chance to love, a chance to make mistakes and learn from them, down to having a chance of winning the lottery… It is all up to our own selves to make it last and just wait and see if they were meant to be… we’ll never know until it was set and done…

I love spring break!!

"My life begins right now..."im done, im out God bless!

Monday, April 10

The Final Stretch

"If I were worthy of such a favor from my God, I would ask that he grant me this one miracle: that by His grace He would make of me a good man..."

Its crazy how quicky time passes by, forreal one min. you're apart of something, the next you're juss reflecting back on those times. I cant believe I'm going to be freakin' 24 this year oh man...rob was juss relling me how he remembers my 19th birfday swimming pool bash. Crazzzy, which means he's known me since I was 18! Not only have I known rob for 7 years, but that includes errone else in that circle, soratorios, mike t., mejias, fred, velascos, and more. 7 years ago I dont think I wouldve ever thought of being where I am today. Not that I've really accomplished anything besides juss increasing my as mark anthony called it, 'vast network of friends.' ha You watch people grow not juss physically, or personally but I mean spiritually as well. I was telling abe if he remembers when he had entertained the thought of seriously converting. All that seemed so long ago, but it was only juss last year. Hijole! People are moving on w/their lives quicker that I guess I had ever expected. I dont know if there's a real point but I guess you really should enjoy life day by day. Its juss too bad you cant have a remote and rewmind back to them good ol' days.

MARRIAGES: Within the past year I've been finding out more people who are engaged to get married. Last month I found out an old close friend of mine who I use to work with is engaged. Her and her bf have been together forever, ever since they both had finished hs. In a sense I'm not real suprised but like I said earlier, some people move on w/their lives faster than I had expected. Charisse Nini is engaged to leo plaza I found out last friday. To me thas big news and I think it was big news to errone who's known her for a while. That was a real unexpected one, if you knew her as well I did then I think you'd understand. Its crazy how two years ago, we were real close oh man to the poiint where we would talk every day on the phone. I mean literally everyday she would call me whether on her way home from work or to the gym or out to dinner, we'd talk. Dang those were days alright...

OLD TERRITORY: On monday I went back to my old hs to pick up these posters to use for elizabeth's talk. My how each time I go there, it becomes stranger and stranger. Keturah and I were talking how it's going to be 7 years in June since we've graduated. Myspace does wonders now a days ha. Anyway, the place is still almost the same, but with different teachers, different admin. Ahh good ol western, I found out that the skool got accredited again, which is good cuz its now a distinugished skool. Interntational week is coming up this week and yup, Im planning on going. I always remember that it always ends up landing on holy week for some reason. Which meant on food fair fridays I couldnt eat meat. Never failed to land on holy week, I still dont get why. Talking with an ol teacher she was sharing w/me how academics are a lot harder now. The kids are held to be more accountable for their work that they do. Maybe thas why the core seem to have more hw now a days. I do must say I kinda miss the whole hs scene. Those were days, thought its funny how some people/things juss never change.

HAPPY 61st ANNIVERSARY: My grandparents celebrated their 61st wedding anniversary this past week. 61 years, sure is something unique now a days. Heck you'll be lucky to find a couple who's been married for even 5. It sucks to see how much of a trend the divorce rate is. On more a positive note, the two of them really define what marriage vows is all bout. Being there for each side by side, through thick and through thin. Especially this past year, w/my grandpa falling and errthang. She's made a lot of sacrifices but thas wha the essence of a good marriage is all bout. Sticking by each other and making sacrifices even when it sucks. I know I should make time to visit more often, but I juss praise GOd that I still ahve them around. Its a blessing knowing that they're only right around the corner from me. One of my favorite pictures, that I need to print and put on my desk at work.

BIRFDAY SHOUT OUT: While I'm on the subject of happy, I mine as well give a couple of april birfday shout outs. Last tuesday was my godson's 6th birfday, sheesh I cant believe he's freakin already 6. It probably sounds reduduant but time goes by too fast. I still remember going to his baptism back in 98! ha This is how we do from 98 till oh wait...its 96 till ha. Anyway, there's this picture of him when he was like only 2 on my desk. He's such an adorable kid, even w/his grills ha! So he has these two silver teeth in the front, I forgot why he has them. Anyway one time when that music video for grillz came on he asked my cousin, 'thas not fair he(nelly)has more than i do!' hahahahaha I love that kid! The shout out going to carl, who was in my confirmation class for two years. I've grown to become close to the guy, last year he had invited me to his birfday party at his house. He's a real good kid, has his priorities straight, smart, all that jazz. Im glad that he's around still, Im still working on bringing him to holy fam youf gorup. Though in time, I know it'll happen. Happy birfday to two fantastic kids!

RUBIOS: Peebs and I were able to keep our lenten lunch tradition after all this year! I was getting a little worried that it wasn't going to happen this year, we've bof been so busy. For the past couple of years her and I have this tradition that once a year on a friday during lent we have rubios for lunch. Kinda like how on valentine's day rob and I have our philly cheesesteak sandwhich luncheon. ANyway, so we ate and it was funny cuz I ran into allen and kennedy folks over there. Her and I had a good time catching up on life and whas going on. It's pretty much the only time we really hang out ha. Literally, lent is the only time we have lunch its our 'pb annual lenten luncheon.' Fun times catching up! till next year ha!

ASIAN FLICKS: I guess apparently I've been on this 'asian flicks' thing. Thursday nite I was at rob's new house helping him put up some curtains. ANyway, I ended up watching the debut over there. It was funny watching it and looking how things were then, and now. Thas one of my favorite movies ha I was so excited when it came out on dvd I juss had to buy it. I think errfilipino in 562 area was in that movie or played some type of extra part in that movie. Speaking of asian films, that movie 'flipside' never made it out on dvd. Jay and I had gone to go watch it one friday afternoon, the movie was alright, it juss bugged that it was in black and white the whole time. Saturday I was at the moya house again helping move stuff and I browsing through the dvd collectiong for something ot watch, and I ended up picking BLT. Ha thas a classic asian film. I never got to finish watching it there, but I didnt realize until now that it was filmed at cypress hs. I mean I knew it was fimed here and the plot took place here in the oc, but I didnt knoiw it was that close.

SPIRIT RALLY: I hate when two things that I really want to do happen on same days and time. Sunny HIlls pcn was saturday nite, as well liwanag's spirit rally. I wanted to go to pcn cuz some of my kids were there and I juss wnated ot show some support. Then again its tradition for me to go spirit rally ever since 03, and I havent missed one since. Yeah Im real anal bout following through w/traditions ha. Well I ended up going to the spirit rally and Im glad I went. Praise & worship was real nice and reflective, the skits were good, action song medley felt like old times, good way to spend a saturday nite. Blessed and broken the perfect lenten theme for a rally. On top of that it was coo catching up w/ol communities man it felt juss like ol times.

GREASE: Friday I went to go watch dane's grease musical at artesia hs, great performance. It was funny seeing all asians in the cast. Dane cracked me up, he totally got into character playing danny. He looked like one of those puppets from that movie team america. ha I think its nice when you have the people you love come out and support you w/stuff like that. I remember being in drama my freshmen year in hs. My whole family came out and watched my shows, the whole skool would be there...maaan. I was expecting the musical to go along w/the movie, but its like two different story lines.

NEVER FOLLOW: Friday I went by myself to go watch take the lead and it was freakin great! It made me want to learn how to ballroom dance. Thas why I liked that show so you think you can dance, cuz it took people out of their dance 'comfort zones' and put them in situations to learn a different style. Anyway, the movie was your typical teacher wanting to help low income students and challenge them to grow. Of course the movie always ends up like taht but in the process there's struggle w/the 'bad' students and lack of admin. support. In the end though errone ends up being a winner. Yup, my type of movies alright! I really want to watch it again though, anyone interested?

SOMETHING NEW: HAd an interesting afternoon going to new places. My friend keturah picked me up and we went to this new store in the cerritos mall called, '1000 steps.' She works for the whole demo, pac sun company, and that store falls within that comp. She's the new store opening manager or something like that. When a new store opens or is about to open she plans errthang for their grandopening. Small store all shoes but nice design. Afterwards raced over to west hollywood and went to the beverly center. Saw this triple 5 soul jacket that I REALLY wanted, but alas didnt buy. Its freakin nice mall over, well duh of course its in beverly hills. I was hoping to run into some type of celeberity, but nothhing like that happened. Then ate at roscose's chicken and waffles for the first time. I dont really see the big deal in the place, I think people over hyped up. It wasn't anything real wowowee for me, I think I wouldve rather had hooters.

Spring break almost here!

"Shake them dreads, shake them dreads..."im done, im out God bless!

Saturday, April 1

A Time For Change

Wow...I juss found out the most suprising news! ask me and ill tell you, its freaking crazzzzzzzzzzzzy!